Testosterone Booster and Blood Pressure

Testosterone Booster and Blood Pressure

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


Question: What's The Relationship Between Testosterone Boosters and Blood Pressure?

Answer: There is limited research on the direct relationship between testosterone boosters and blood pressure. Some studies suggest that testosterone therapy may increase blood pressure in certain individuals, while others show no significant effect. 

However, it must be noted that this is in relation to testosterone therapy which utilizes synthetic hormones to mimic testosterone, whereas testosterone boosters use nutrients and compounds to stimulate natural testosterone secretion. 

Testosterone Explained

Testosterone is a hormone (chemical messenger) that travels through the bloodstream and has many effects on various body systems.

It's produced in small amounts by both men's gonads (Leydig cells in their testicles) and women's ovaries, and also naturally produced throughout the body in small quantities.

Testosterone often stimulates male characteristics as well as helping maintain normal mood conditions; furthermore it may play a part in producing cholesterol or stimulating muscle growth.

Testosterone, also known by its chemical name 17-beta-hydroxy-4-androstene-3-one, is one of the most potent naturally occurring androgens (or androgenic steroids).

Produced in testes by binding cholesterol to androgen receptors, testosterone enters circulation and then tissues where it is broken down further to form 5a-dihydrotestosterone (5a-DHT), binding back onto receptors for gene transcription effects that produce androgenic effects.

Testosterone promotes secondary male characteristics in men such as deep voice and facial hair, increasing testicle sperm production and stimulating bone and muscle mass growth.

Furthermore, testosterone plays a significant role in developing internal and external reproductive organs during fetal development and prevents changes after castration.

Testosterone exerts anabolic effects that encourage protein synthesis and increase skeletal muscle mass, while simultaneously stimulating red blood cell formation and hematopoiesis.

Testosterone plays an integral part in puberty for boys, as its effects include increasing epiphyseal plate size during early puberty before later leading to its closure.

Furthermore, testosterone administration has been associated with cholesterol and blood pressure elevation; to mitigate its harmful effects it's vital to maintain an ideal weight with a low saturated fat diet.

Exogenous use by athletes and bodybuilders (such as by athletes using steroids outside) can lead to abnormal sexual characteristics or increase prostate cancer risks.

Blood Pressure Explained

Blood pressure measures the force of circulating blood against the walls of blood vessels.

Your heart pumps blood into arteries that carry it throughout your body to supply every cell with oxygen and nutrients.

Your blood pressure is recorded using two numbers; one indicates systolic pressure when your heart contracts to pump blood into your arteries while relaxing between beats.

While diastolic pressure reflects diastole pressure when your heart relaxes between beats. Blood pressure measurements can be taken using a stethoscope wrapped around an arm; millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Your blood pressure can provide insight into the efficiency of your heart and any underlying medical conditions, as well as potential symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, back or jaw pain, changes in vision, numbness/weakness or difficulty speaking.

Regular preventive care - specifically annual checkups with a primary care doctor - can ensure any issues can be caught early and treated quickly.

The American Heart Association defines normal blood pressure as being below 120 systolic and 80 diastolic mm Hg.

However, your own individual blood pressure may fluctuate naturally for various reasons and should therefore be checked regularly instead of just once annually.

Low Blood Pressure Dangers

Low blood pressure can also be hazardous. While one reading may not indicate any serious health issue, repeated or sudden drops could indicate low blood pressure (known in medical terminology as hypotension).

When this occurs, symptoms like dizziness or fainting could arise and result in serious consequences.

Dehydration (or reduced blood volume in your body) can result in low blood pressure.

This condition often appears when dealing with prolonged nausea, vomiting or diarrhea episodes or engaging in intense physical exercise. Drinking enough fluids will help ensure proper hydration to avoid dehydration.

If a person exhibits low blood pressure symptoms, their doctor will likely monitor them over a series of visits to observe any pattern and check if their heartbeat remains normal.

They will examine and listen to it; check its flow; perform other diagnostic tests like complete blood count, electrocardiogram or echocardiogram in order to detect damage or blockages in its oxygen-rich blood supply.

High Blood Pressure Dangers

High blood pressure (hypertension) puts undue strain on your arteries and organs, and left untreated can damage them significantly, potentially leading to life-threatening health complications that threaten life itself. Some symptoms of hypertension include:


A stroke occurs when part of your brain does not receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients, leading to brain cell death. A blood clot could block blood from reaching it; an artery could rupture; high blood pressure increases your risk.

Coronary Artery Disease.

High blood pressure can damage and narrow arteries, increasing your risk of heart attacks or irregular rhythms (arrhythmias). Furthermore, high blood pressure increases your chances of heart failure as its lower left chamber thickens further - further compounding its harmful effects.

Pregnancy-related death and complications.

High blood pressure during gestation increases your risk for preeclampsia, an abnormal condition of placenta which increases preterm labor risk. Furthermore, it makes cesarean section birth more likely - this requires surgery through cuts in your abdomen and uterus to give birth safely.

Make changes to your lifestyle that reduce the risk of high blood pressure by making healthy lifestyle changes and taking medications as prescribed.

Focusing on diet, being physically active, maintaining or losing excess weight while not smoking or using electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), and drinking less alcohol all help lower blood pressure levels.

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The Difference Between Testosterone Boosters and Testosterone Replacement

Optimizing testosterone levels can enhance quality of life in many ways, from improving mood, libido and energy to increasing insulin sensitivity and decreasing inflammation levels in your body.

A healthy level of testosterone may help with co-morbidities like diabetes and heart disease! 

Testosterone boosters differ from replacement therapies in that you can purchase the former without a valid prescription, while medical supervision is always necessary when taking replacement therapies.

Testosterone boosters typically consist of vitamins, minerals and herbs designed to assist the body's own production of testosterone rather than providing external sources of supplementation.

Testosterone replacement therapy may be the solution if you suffer from low testosterone or symptoms associated with it such as hair loss, weight loss or low libido.

Available only under medical supervision and coming in various forms such as gels, injections and patches; you can receive this therapy either in the office, at home or from an authorized specialist's clinic.

Understanding Testosterone Boosters

Men with low testosterone levels often turn to over-the-counter (OTC) supplements known as "testosterone boosters" to increase energy and libido. Such products may also boost bone density, strength and muscle mass.

Testosterone boosters are supplements that are designed to increase the levels of testosterone produced by the body.

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including muscle growth, bone density, and libido.

Many people turn to natural testosterone boosters to enhance their athletic performance, improve muscle mass, and increase energy levels.

1. Potential Effects on Blood Pressure

One concern that arises when using testosterone boosters is their potential impact on blood pressure.

Some studies suggest that testosterone supplementation may lead to an increase in blood pressure levels. This is because testosterone can cause the body to retain sodium and water, which can lead to higher blood pressure.

Increased blood cell count

Testosterone regulates hormones like erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates bone marrow to produce more red blood cells while increasing oxygen transport through blood circulation thereby improving energy and athletic performance.

Studies have linked low testosterone levels with elevated blood pressure. One 2021 research paper from Journal of American Medical Association followed a group of healthy people over three years and measured several factors, such as blood pressure, luteinizing hormone, free testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin levels.

Low testosterone and high sex hormone binding globulin were linked with an increased risk of hypertension; researchers theorize that testosterone and its binding globulin counterpart may promote fluid retention leading to high blood pressure.

Unfortunately, however, some men may experience an increase in their blood pressure while taking these supplements.

Reason being, testosterone may contribute to an overproduction of red blood cells that puts undue strain on the heart and increases risk for blood clots in arteries, potentially leading to strokes and aneurysms of the arteries as well as increasing cardiovascular risks in those with preexisting conditions such as high cholesterol or triglycerides levels.

Testosterone boosters typically contain an assortment of ingredients designed to boost its effects, with certain ingredients such as L-arginine being believed to improve erectile dysfunction and enhance athletic performance.

While this ingredient is generally safe, it may cause bloating in certain individuals as well as increase prostate gland size over time if taken long-term. However, Military Muscle Testosterone Booster doesn't include this debated nutrient.

2. Individual Variations

It's important to note that the effects of testosterone boosters on blood pressure can vary from person to person.

Some individuals may experience a significant increase in blood pressure, while others may not see any noticeable changes. Factors such as age, overall health, and dosage of the testosterone booster can all influence the impact on blood pressure.

3. Monitoring Blood Pressure Levels

If you are considering using a testosterone booster, it is crucial to monitor your blood pressure regularly. This can be done at home using a blood pressure monitor or by visiting a healthcare professional. By keeping track of your blood pressure, you can identify any changes and take appropriate action if necessary.

4. Consultation with a Healthcare Professional

Before starting any testosterone booster or other supplements, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional. They can assess your overall health, discuss potential risks and benefits, and provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances. This is especially important if you have a history of high blood pressure or other cardiovascular conditions.

5. Lifestyle Factors

In addition to monitoring blood pressure and seeking professional advice, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle when using testosterone boosters. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management can all contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. It is also important to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking, as these habits can negatively impact blood pressure.

6. Alternative Options

If you are concerned about the potential impact of testosterone boosters on blood pressure, there are alternative options to consider. Natural methods of boosting testosterone levels, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a healthy diet, can help optimize hormone levels without the potential risks associated with supplementation.


While testosterone can have potential effects on blood pressure, the impact can vary from person to person.

Using medical treatments such as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) provide the body with synthetic doses of testosterone, too much of these synthetic hormones can cause health issues such as blood pressure changes, and prostate growth.

However, OTC products are developed not to replace your natural testosterone production by your glands, but support it. As such, the amounts are within a normal and healthy range and produce minial unwanted effects.

Monitoring blood pressure levels, consulting with a healthcare professional, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are all important factors to consider when using testosterone boosters. 

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