How to Increase Energy in Your 40s

How to Increase Energy in Your 40s

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


In your 40s, life can often feel like a juggling act. Between career demands, family responsibilities, and personal goals, it's easy to become burned out and lose sight of your own well-being.

But what if there was a way to unlock unlimited energy and reclaim your vitality? In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide you with actionable steps and practical tips to rejuvenate your life in your 40s.

From optimizing your nutrition and fitness routine to managing stress and finding balance, we'll delve into the key areas that can positively impact your energy levels and overall well-being.

Our expert advice is rooted in scientific research and real-life experiences, ensuring that you receive accurate and actionable information.

Discover how to make self-care a priority, streamline your daily routines, and harness the power of mindset shifts to ignite a newfound energy within you. With our guide, you'll not only unlock unlimited energy but also create a foundation for a more vibrant and fulfilling life in your 40s and beyond.

Join us on this transformative journey to rejuvenate your life and embrace all that this decade has to offer. 

40 is the new 30

Running on high energy is a favorite of all. We can enjoy our favorite hobbies, spend time with friends and get the most out of our workouts. 

Few people realize that energy is a renewable resource. You'll feel refreshed and ready to work the next day if you get a good sleep. 

What happens when our energy level isn't as high as it used to be before? Many people don't want to use synthetic energy sources like coffee or energy drinks. 

More and more people are turning to natural energy boosters that provide sustainable results.  

How Much Sleep Is Enough?

Do you burn the candle at both ends? 

Sleep experts recommend between seven and nine hours per night. A third of Americans do not meet the recommended amount. 

It's time for you to make a change. The easiest, most natural way to increase your energy is by getting enough sleep. It is true that improving the quality of your sleep can boost energy levels. 

Get Your sleep routine right for more energy

Did you know that? A healthy diet is important, but a good night's sleep can be just as powerful. 

  • Set up a routine at night to ensure you sleep well. Here's what you need to do: 
  • Choose a set that has a sleeping and waking time of at least seven-hours.
  • Spend time in the natural light. This can improve your sleep quality and help you get to bed earlier.
  • At least one hour before bedtime, aim to turn off all screens, including smartphones and tablets.
  • Experts say that the ideal temperature for sleeping is around 18 degrees.
  • Avoid sleep disturbances by having your last drink around two hours prior to lights out.

How to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Here are some other tips to improve your sleep hygiene and give you more energy every day: 

  • If you're sensitive to light or noise, consider using earplugs or an eye mask.
  • If you have trouble switching off your mind for sleep, noise machines or safe meditations can be very helpful.
  • Avoid eating large meals three hours before going to bed. This will prevent you from feeling too full and uncomfortable at night.
  • To feel rested and balanced at bedtime, enjoy a light evening activity.

Power Naps

Both information overload and overworking our brains can drain energy, according to research. 

National Institutes of Mental Health studies found that taking a 60 minute "power nap" could not only help reverse the mind-numbing effect of information overload but also improve our ability to retain what we've learned.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise can drain your energy. In fact, it's the opposite. Regular low-intensity exercises result in an increase in energy and a reduction in fatigue. 

Gentle exercise can also improve your physical and mental well-being. Exercise releases dopamine and endorphins, the "feel-good" chemicals in our bodies. It also improves heart health. 

Try a new activity to get you moving if you have a sedentary life style. Low-intensity exercises include taking a walk in your neighborhood, doing yoga at home or attending a tai-chi class. Think about what you enjoy, choose it, and keep doing it.

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Drink More Water

Humans need to stay hydrated. Water is essential for optimal cell functions, dispersing nutrients and eliminating waste. Water is essential for life. Many people need to drink water more throughout the day. 

Dehydration, or not having enough water in your body, can cause symptoms that range from dizziness to confusion and even heat stroke. 

Dehydration is also a source of energy for the body. The kidneys need more energy to process concentrated urine compared to diluted urine. This is especially true when the body processes more toxins such as alcohol. 

Drink the minimum amount of 11 cups of water per day to stay hydrated. You'll need more water when exercising to combat sweat loss. 

Alcohol consumption also requires extra hydration. If you've been sick or had a sweaty workout, consider electrolytes as a way to help hydrate. 

Limit alcohol

Avoiding alcohol during lunch is one of the best ways to prevent the midafternoon slump. Alcohol has a sedative effect that is particularly strong in the midday. Avoid a cocktail at five o’clock if you wish to be energetic in the evening. 

Drink in moderation and at a time that you are not concerned about your energy waning.

Reduce Stress

Stress is our natural reaction to the environment. Stress was once a reliable indicator of danger. Stress is no longer an indicator of danger, but a part of daily life. 

Chronic stress can be detrimental to our mental and physical health. 

Stress is linked to fatigue, low energy, and daytime drowsiness. Reduced stress can boost energy and improve your health. 

Try mindfulness practices such as meditation or taking on a new hobby if you find it difficult to "switch off" from your work or other stressors in your life. You can reduce stress by socialising with family and friends. 

Your mood makes a difference

Feeling tired can be caused by stress or anxiety. You can improve your mood by engaging in activities such as:

  • Yoga, meditation or music?
  • Reduce your workload at work or home
  • Talking to friends or family about your feelings
  • Self-referral or talking to your doctor about talk therapies.

Improve Your Diet

Many of the nutrients that our body requires to survive are found in our daily diet. Lack of energy is often a sign that we do not get enough nutrients to achieve good sleep, optimal health, and energy. 

What to Include in Your Diet

The American Heart Association recommends consuming four to five portions of fruits and vegetables per day. You will get more vitamins and minerals if you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. 

You will feel more energetic if you eat regularly and eat enough.

Wholegrains and foods high in fibre are the best choices. They take longer to digest so they release energy slowly and steadily, unlike sugary food or drinks which are quickly broken down.

What to Avoid in Your Diet

Processed foods are high in saturated fats and low in nutrients. Choose whole grains, unsaturated oils and lean proteins instead. 

Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption, too. Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretic stimulants. They increase your desire to urinate, which can interfere with your ability to sleep deeply. 

Eating a healthy diet will naturally boost your energy and nourish your body. 

Investigate Deficiencies

It can be more difficult to increase our energy than simply changing habits. Low energy could be an indication of vitamin or hormone deficiencies. 

Vitamin B12 is essential for energy production and DNA function. Since B12 is primarily obtained from animal proteins, it's most common to see a deficiency in vegetarians and Vegans. 

Beware Of B12 Deficiencies

B12 deficiency is characterized by fatigue, memory loss, and weight gain. 

Consume more animal products such as meat, eggs and seafood to get more vitamin. If you do not eat meat, B12 is found in cereals and milk products made from plant-based ingredients. 

Increase magnesium intake

M,agnesium is required for over 300 biochemical reactions, such as the breakdown of glucose into energy. When levels are low, energy levels can fall.

A study conducted at the Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrient Research Center, found that women with magnesium deficiency had higher heart rates, and needed more oxygen for physical tasks, than after their magnesium levels had been restored.  

Hormones and Energy: The Link

You may be experiencing low energy due to hormonal imbalances. The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone which regulates metabolism. Your energy levels are directly affected by your metabolism. 

Sometimes, the thyroid produces too much or not enough thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism symptoms include weight loss and heart palpitations. Hair loss and low testosterone are symptoms of hypothyroidism (underproduction). Tiredness is a symptom of both hypothyroidism (low thyroid) and hyperthyroidism. 

Check your heart

Some heart conditions, such as Heart Failure, Diabetes and Sleep Apnoea as well as anaemia, an underactive Thyroid, can also cause fatigue. As an adverse effect, some medications such as Beta Blockers can cause fatigue.

Ask your doctor about this if you feel more tired than usual.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is bad for your health. You may not be aware that smoking can drain your energy because it causes insomnia. 

Nicotine in tobacco acts as a stimulant. It speeds up the heartbeat, increases blood pressure and activates brainwaves associated with alertness, making it difficult to fall asleep. 

Once you fall asleep, the addictive properties of tobacco can awaken your cravings.

Lighten your load

Overwork is a major cause of fatigue. Overwork includes professional, social, and family obligations. Streamline your "must-do list". 

Prioritize your tasks based on the most important ones. Reduce the importance of less important tasks. Ask for help if you need it.

Thyroid Function of the Complete Blood Cell Count

This won't give you an immediate boost. If you are constantly feeling tired, especially after a restful night's sleep, you may wish to talk to your doctor regarding a blood test.

A simple blood check can confirm if you have thyroid problems. If you are diagnosed with low thyroid functions, medications may be able to bring your body up to speed.

Anemia is a condition where the body doesn't get enough oxygen to maintain energy which may lead to fatigue.

Natural Testosterone Supplement To Boost Energy

Low testosterone isn't just a side effect of an underactive Thyroid. Low energy is also directly related to low testosterone. 

Did you know? As men age, testosterone levels naturally decrease. 

If your testosterone levels are below average, then you might experience a reduction in energy, reduced sex desire, a decrease in muscle mass, and mood swings. 

What can you do?

Military Muscle, the natural energy booster, will help you to boost your T levels. 

Military Muscle is made with only natural ingredients, the kind that have been proven by science to increase energy levels.


Fatigue is often caused by one or more habits or routines. Fatigue is a common and normal response to physical activity, poor eating habits or emotional stress.

However, in some cases fatigue can be a sign of underlying health problems that require medical attention. If fatigue does not improve with enough sleep, a healthy diet, or a stress-free environment, you should consult your doctor.

You can increase your energy levels and reduce fatigue in many different ways. Consider staying hydrated, prioritizing your personal relationships and limiting alcohol.

Making small changes in your daily routine will have a significant impact on your energy levels and many other aspects of health. 

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