Nitric Oxide Supplement Effects

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.
Nitric oxide: a powerful body booster
Nitric oxide (NO) is an endogenous gas produced by our bodies that plays an essential role as both a vasodilator and blood flow regulator, as well as being involved in numerous metabolic and physiological pathways.
Nitric oxide supplements have become very popular with strength athletes looking to maximize performance, with weightlifters turning to them specifically as performance enhancers.
Nitric oxide boosts blood flow by widening blood vessels, which makes it effective at increasing oxygen and nutrients reaching working muscles during exercise.
Because of this effect, gym goers and athletes have taken notice, making use of pre workout supplements with nitric oxide extremely popular.
What is Nitric Oxide (NOx)?
The body produces nitric oxide, which is responsible for improving blood flow, oxygen and nutrients.
This is done through a vasodilation process, in which the inner muscle of blood vessels relaxes, increasing circulation.
Your body must convert the nitrates in your diet into amino acids.
The health benefits of nitric oxide include:
- Blood flow can be improved
- Better heart health
- Energy-efficient devices
- High-level athletic performance
Is it any surprise that so many athletes want to increase their NO level?
The Basics of Nitric Oxide
Many studies have shown that increasing your Nitric Oxide levels can improve your performance. NO boosters will be your best friend if you are looking to increase the intensity of your training, to push yourself harder and to recover quicker.
According to the research, the ideal time for taking a Nitric Oxide booster is 30 minutes prior to exercising so that it can be absorbed into your body.
Avoid caffeine and other ingredients when choosing a NO booster.
Why? It may increase your NO level, but it will likely cause other problems in the process.
It is important to use l-arginine, which works in combination with citrulline. This powerful combination will help you raise your NO level.
Nitric Oxide: The Science Behind It
Remember that Nitric Oxide boosters aren't a fad or an idea out of the blue. They actually work, which is why so many people use them prior to exercise.
Nitric oxide is a powerful molecule that increases circulation, lowers blood pressure and improves the health of your blood vessels.
Let's take a look at some of the ingredients that have been scientifically shown to increase your NO level.
L-arginine is one of the top supplements on the market to boost nitric dioxide levels. The reason for this is the number of studies that have been conducted and the requirement to avoid side effects.
L-arginine also benefits other areas of health. These include sex desire, blood pressure reduction, and cognitive abilities.
L-citrulline can also be a great choice when it comes to nitric oxygen supplements. Some studies revealed that l citrulline is more effective than L arginine in lowering bloodpressure, improving exercise performance and widening the blood vessels.
When combined with the l-arginine, this is a powerful combination.
Nitric oxide (NO) is an extremely effective molecule, capable of widening blood vessels, improving circulation, and transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout your body to muscles and other parts. By increasing NO levels, athletes, heart patients, and overall well-being all stand to benefit.
Your nitric oxide production can be increased through diet and supplementation with nutrients like L-arginine and folic acid (vitamin C). Eating plenty of leafy vegetables such as arugula in soup or salad and spinach and kale in meals are great sources of nitrates as well as other essential vitamins that support healthy blood pressure and heart function.
Beets are an excellent source of nitrates, with just 100 grams providing about 11.4 grams that your body can convert into nitric oxide. According to studies, drinking or eating beet juice has been shown to boost nitric oxide by 21% within an hour and last several hours thereafter.
Coleslaw, carrots and cabbage are excellent vegetable sources of nitrates. By including these vegetables in salads, coleslaw and smoothies you can easily increase your daily nitrate intake. These food sources are readily available both in supermarkets as well as farmer's markets.
Nitric oxide Supplements: Health Benefits
Many ingredients found in Nitric Oxide supplements have other benefits besides increasing NO. We'll look at the health benefits of increased nitric oxygen.
It can reduce high blood pressure
Blood vessels will dilate when you increase the amount of nitric Oxide in your body. This helps prevent tightening your muscles.
It helps improve blood flow, which in turn lowers blood pressure. Citrulline, l-arginine and other amino acids are well known for lowering systolic as well as diastolic pressure.
Combining the two can have an even greater effect, boosting nitric-oxide production.
Nitric Oxide is a powerful antioxidant that has many health benefits. These include vasodilation, immunity, cell growth and health, as well as the transportation of nutrients throughout your body.
By allowing oxygen to circulate more freely around your body, you will have greater energy during physical activity. Competing athletes place a priority on increasing NO levels.
You can use NO to your advantage in many activities and sports.
You can improve your workout performance
Bodybuilders are fond of nitric oxide supplements because they boost workouts.
Open your blood vessels to promote blood flow. This will act as a Vasodilator and deliver more nutrients and oxygen while working out.
You can work for longer periods of time, sometimes even much longer. The more reps you do, the more benefits you'll get.
Nitric oxide supplements can help you achieve new heights in performance, no matter what sport you choose.
When athletes, such as cyclists, bodybuilders, swimmers and runners, can train harder and compete better, they see a huge difference.
You can now run faster, lift heavier weights, do more repetitions and sets, etc.
This product can reduce fatigue and muscle soreness.
After a tough workout, it can seem like bouncing back from the experience is impossible.
Nitric oxide supplements can be used to help repair and soothe sore muscles. After a heavy workout, we tend to feel muscle soreness and fatigue (DOMS).
It can help with erectile dysfunction
Nitric oxide has recently drawn widespread interest due to its potential role in erectile dysfunction (ED). Some research indicates that it could help relieve symptoms by increasing blood flow.
The NO increases blood flow through the cavernosal smooth muscles by diffusing it across their membrane. This helps to combat erectile dysfunction.
NO can help you recover more quickly
A faster recovery will allow you to move on more quickly. You'll also experience less muscle pain.
You can experience DOMS up to 3 days following a workout. With less pain, you will be able progress faster. No supplements are able to reduce soreness up to 40%.
You can boost your immunity
Supplements that increase nitric-oxide levels can also improve the production of white blood cells. White blood cells help fight germs, and boost your immune system. Bonus.
This is great for cognitive health
Nitric Oxide is a neurotransmitter that helps in communication. Nitric oxide increases concentration, memory and cognitive health.
The Effects of Nitric Oxide on Physical Performance
Nitric Oxide (NO) is an essential biological compound produced in our bodies that works to dilate blood vessels and improve circulation, acting as both a neurotransmitter and an anti-inflammatory.
When exercise occurs, NO promotes muscle cell growth while simultaneously decreasing lactic acid build-up by decreasing waste products produced in muscles - an effect which has an enormously positive impact on athletic performance: increasing endurance and power output while speeding soft tissue healing.
Exercise releases NO from endothelial cells lining blood vessels and other cells throughout your body, and produced by skeletal muscle cells, adipose tissue, and neurons. The enzyme that produces it in our bodies is called Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS).
NO is known to produce vasodilation, or widening of blood vessels, which improves blood flow and oxygen delivery to working muscles, reduces blood pressure, enhances waste product removal such as lactic acid removal from exercise-induced waste products such as lactate, improve workout performance and decrease perceptions of pain during training.
Vasodilation allows more efficient delivery of nutrients and oxygen directly to working muscles which enhance workout performance and decrease perceptions of pain during workout sessions.
Nitric oxide's primary function lies in its regulation of the immune system. It plays a vital part in modulating T-cell activity and suppressing inflammation response, while acting as a vasodilator in kidneys to increase glomerular filtration rate and urine production; additionally, nitric oxide acts as a vasodilator in skin to promote hair growth while protecting from age-related vascular diseases.
Nitric oxide plays an essential role in protein synthesis and cell division processes. Additionally, it supports cell proliferation and differentiation processes and prevents platelet aggregation to stop blood clot formation from happening.
Nitric oxide has also been found to promote sexual arousal among men by increasing blood flow to their penis, improving erectile function. Finally, as a potent neurotransmitter in autonomic nervous systems and increasing cerebral blood flow and oxygenation.
Some supplements claim to increase nitric oxide levels and enhance exercise capabilities. Unfortunately, many of these supplements contain caffeine or other stimulants which may lead to unwanted side effects and interfere with natural production of nitric oxide within your body.
Furthermore, studies have revealed that such supplements don't improve levels or performance in highly trained individuals.
Nitric oxide supplements contain two precursors arginine and citrulline that can help raise your levels. While pre-workout supplements contain these precursors, food sources like leafy vegetables or beet juice offer better nitric oxide sources while providing other essential vitamins to the body as well.
Research conducted at the University of Exeter has demonstrated that taking supplements which increase levels of nitric oxide in the body can significantly boost stamina during high intensity exercise.
Their study concluded that those who took citrulline and nitrates (such as beetroot juice) supplements could continue exercising 20% longer than those taking placebo pills.
L-citrulline and nitrates both increase nitric oxide through two different pathways, working synergistically to enhance endurance. Unfortunately, most studies to date have only focused on young male subjects so we are unaware of how they may impact older people or women.
What is the dosage and side effects of Nitric Oxide supplements?
Is nitric Oxide safe to take?
It's important to follow the guidelines for NO supplements.
You can consider 3000-6000mg as a safe dose of L-arginine. Any dosage above this may cause unwanted side effects.
Citrulline can be taken in doses up to 6000-8000mg. Taken in excess, a NO-lowering supplement can lead to bloating and stomach problems, as well as headaches and heartburn.
Follow the dosage instructions that come with the nitric-oxide supplement.
Natural Ways to Increase Nitric Oxide
You can do many things to increase the level of Nitric Oxide in your body. All of them involve small changes.
Nitric oxide levels begin to decline in our middle years. It is therefore important to make changes and be informed to keep a good level of health.
You can take advantage of nitric-oxide's benefits by taking the initiative.
Choose the Right Food
It is possible to increase your levels of nitric oxygen by making the correct food choices. It is best to start with nitrates derived from plants.
Add to your list red spinach, beetroots, oranges and almonds.
Salmon, a fatty salmon packed with omega-3 acids, is a good example of foods that increase nitrate levels in the body.
Other excellent options to raise levels of nitric oxygen include flaxseeds, chia seed, walnuts and chia.
Foods rich in antioxidants can also prolong the duration of nitric oxygen's presence. The best choices are fruits and vegetables.
Reduce your stress levels
It's sometimes easier to say than do. If you manage your stress, your levels of nitric oxygen will remain in balance. Stress can cause levels to drop and lead to health problems if you don't address it.
Low nitric-oxide levels can cause depression, anxiety and fatigue. You should get enough sleep, and deal with any problems you may have before going to bed. This will help you to not worry at night.
Organize your time so that you don't spend the entire day chasing after your tail. To keep your levels of nitric oxygen high, it is important to take small steps and pay attention to any warning signals.
Take Plenty of Vitamin D
Sunlight will increase your Vitamin D levels and the dermal Nitric Oxide. Nitric oxide produced on skin helps heal wounds, blemishes, and boost immunity.
Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption
You read it correctly. You can lower your Nitric Oxide levels by drinking too much alcohol.
You don't have to give up alcohol completely. Even small amounts of alcohol, such as a couple drinks, can increase nitric-oxide levels.
A large amount of alcohol can reduce the bioavailability. You can boost your levels of nitric oxygen by drinking less alcohol if you are a frequent drinker. Your nitric-oxide levels can rise dramatically if you reduce your alcohol consumption.
Quit smoking
You've probably already made the decision to get serious about your health and build muscle.
If not, you will struggle to achieve your fitness goals until you give up.
The effects of smoking on the body are significant. It reduces energy levels and damages your lungs. You need to stop smoking if you want to keep up with your exercise routine.
Reduce Your Salt Intake
It has been shown that consuming too much salt reduces nitric Oxide production. You don't have to completely eliminate salt. It seems that the problem is when you have too much salt in your diet.
Nitric oxide levels are seriously diminished by heavy salt use. If you are in this group, now is the time to take notice. You'll be happier if you keep an eye out for how much you eat.
Reducing High Cholesterol Foods
If you're looking to remain healthy, it is important to keep an eye on cholesterol levels. The lower your cholesterol, the greater your chances of having higher nitric-oxide levels.
It is important to check your cholesterol regularly, either by a professional medical test or a home-testing kit. If you test too high, examine your diet carefully and make any necessary adjustments. Your nitric-oxide levels are healthier the lower your cholesterol.
Increase your exercise frequency
It should come as no surprise that staying fit is essential to your health. Inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle can lower NO levels.
The best way to increase your NO is to do a 'dump exercise'. This will strengthen your muscles and your ligaments. The dump workouts also reduce the risk of injury and should be part of your everyday routine.
Exercise routines similar to High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are called the nitric Oxide Dump.
This workout is designed to stimulate the release of nitric Oxide in the body. Ten bodyweight squats are the four exercises that will dump nitric oxygen. They also include alternating arm movements, shoulder presses and jumping jacks. These exercises will increase your levels of NO.
Not everyone can find the time. It is not always easy to make peace and take a break from life. If you have the time, you will find that a light form of meditation is highly beneficial.
Mediation is another great way to reduce stress. Finding ten minutes each day to listen to your breath and sit in silence will help reset your NO levels.
When you meditate, try to breathe through your nose. This will help the nasal cavity produce nitric oxygen. Meditation can also relax muscles surrounding blood vessels and arteries, and lower stress levels.
Limit Your Consumption Of Saturated Fatty Acids
Your body produces less nitric acid if you consume too much saturated fat. Saturated fats are found in milk, cheese, butter and some meats. They're all essential for a balanced, healthy diet. Consuming saturated fats moderately is better than eating them in large quantities.
Consuming too much saturated fat will reduce nitric oxygen's ability to relax the muscles surrounding the arteries and impair blood flow.
Reduce Your Sugar Intake
Endothelial function can be damaged if you have too much glucose.
A diet high in sugar can also cause kidney problems, which could have a negative impact on your health. It's important to reduce your sugar consumption, especially if you have a high intake. This will help boost NO levels.
You can boost your nitric-oxide levels by taking a nitric-oxide boosting supplement, but also consider what you eat.
The right foods can help your supplements work better and increase your NO level. This will allow you to get more out of your diet, while making your workouts even more powerful. It's also not all bad news when it comes down to your diet.
You can make significant improvements to your performance by choosing sweets that improve oxygen and blood flow.
Take a look.
1. Watermelon
Fruits should be part of a healthy diet. But some are better than others when it comes raising levels of NO.
The best fruit to boost your No. Watermelon is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as potassium, magnesium and Vitamins C, A and B6.
Watermelon contains citrulline, a form of amino acid which our bodies convert into nitric dioxide.
Watermelon juice is often consumed by athletes as part of a preworkout before an event to quickly raise their NO levels. It relaxes the blood vessels, increases blood flow, and improves performance.
2. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate contains properties that help raise the NO level.
If you're looking to maintain a healthy physique, a sensible diet and healthy choices are essential. Dark chocolate, when consumed in moderation can help to increase nitric-oxide levels.
Why? Because it is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants and other substances that reduce inflammation, and help to produce NO, a substance which promotes cardiovascular health.
3. Beetroot
Beetroot contains a lot of nitrates, which, when broken down by your saliva, converts into nitric dioxide.
Athletes who want to improve their performance take beetroot juice anywhere between an hour and three hours prior to a competition or workout.
Did you know that? Researchers have found that cycling enthusiasts can increase their intensity by taking beetroot for a period of time.
The beetroot's high NO production, which improves cardiovascular health, and the blood flow, has also shown to speed up recovery times.
4. Spinach
A high nitrate content in spinach has made it a favorite among bodybuilders for many years.
According to research, regular consumption of spinach can increase the production of nitric oxygen and enhance endurance and strength. When adding other vegetables to your meal, make sure that you include spinach. This will help boost your NO levels. You can easily add it to your salads, casseroles or side dishes.
5. Fruit
Fruits should form a part of a healthy diet. Citrus fruits are a great way to increase your levels of NO.
Citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, lemons and oranges, are high in vitamin C and fibre. Fruits do not contain nitrate but they can help increase NO by maintaining your body's levels of amino acids.
Fruits and vegetables are excellent for the heart and can help lower blood pressure.
6. The Fatty Salmon and Other Fish
Salmon and asparagus
Salmon contains a wide range of nutrients, such as vitamins, proteins, minerals, and omega-3 fats.
The antioxidant properties of this fish help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. If you're a regular exerciser, salmon should be the first fish that comes to mind. It is a high-quality food and almost acts as a nutrition checklist for athletes.
Salmon is a very popular and healthy fish.
7. Walnuts
Studies have shown that nuts, which are rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, can help to increase our levels of NO. Walnuts are a great choice because they contain l'arginine. This amino acid helps our body produce nitric oxygen.
Walnuts contain antioxidants which can help reduce inflammation, and protect the body from oxidative stresses.
8. Garlic
You won't be disappointed as you become a NO super producer. This product is packed with vitamins and minerals that will protect you from oxidative damage, boost your nitric-oxide synthesis and keep your heart healthy.
Garlic contains the anti-inflammatory compound allicin. It increases NO levels by increasing vasodilation and encourages NO production.
The Comparison of Nitric Oxide Enhancers and Pre-Workouts
It's not surprising that pre-workout supplements which boost nitric Oxide levels are popular among people who want to increase their levels.
Does it perform as well as the standard pre-workout supplements?
NO Packs Power...
A nitric-oxide booster will help you to increase your blood flow, oxygenation, and endurance in the gym.
Increased endurance and oxygen delivery will also benefit you. Epic.
What is the difference?
Pre-workouts are taken to get from a standstill to full pump. Pre-workouts can be used to boost your energy and motivation on days you are not feeling motivated.
Many people are debating whether or not a nitric-oxide booster is superior to a preworkout.
Most people don't realize that both complement one another to provide a powerful workout.
Pre-workouts will get you started, while the NO booster will make sure that you keep going longer, faster and harder.
Check the label of the pre-workout to ensure you are not taking the same ingredient twice.
You can achieve gym results you never thought possible by finding a NO and pre-workout booster that compliment each other.
This powerful combination will provide you with:
- Extra focus
- Energy-efficient devices
- Better endurance
- Strengthening your muscles
- Improved blood flow and oxygenation
The combination will help you to overcome even the toughest workouts.
Nitric Oxide is used by a muscular bodybuilder as a supplement.
If you want to improve the quality of your workouts and achieve your goals faster, then it is worth investing in both a preworkout supplement and a nitric-oxide booster.
What are the best Nitric oxide boosters for women?
There are no restrictions on health when using Nitric Oxide boosters.
Consult a doctor if you are unsure of the effects that raising your NO level will have on your health.
It boosts the body's performance.
Nitric oxide can help you reach a higher level of performance. The body produces nitric oxide, which is primarily used to promote blood circulation. It helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body.
We can enhance the NO benefits by increasing our nitric-oxide levels, especially when we exercise.
When we exercise, having more NO means that we can continue to work hard for longer periods of time and make more progress. A healthy diet rich in nitrates can be complemented with a scientifically-proven nitric oxygen supplement to boost your levels.
Citrulline and L-arginine are the two best supplements to increase NO. They should be at the top of your list.
The benefits of nitric oxide include enhancing exercise performance and supporting healthy blood circulation.
Pre-workout supplements often contain ingredients to increase production of nitric oxide, which has been believed to help increase endurance, strengthen muscles, reduce soreness after exercise and possibly help prevent high blood pressure. Nitric oxide (NO) dilates blood vessels to increase blood flow which brings oxygen and nutrients directly to muscles during workouts while at the same time decreasing soreness afterwards.
NO is produced in the body by an enzyme known as nitric oxide synthase and serves an essential purpose; controlling blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health, facilitating release of growth factors and other cytokines, as well as regulating neurotransmission.
Furthermore, NO may help inflammatory responses and cell signaling processes as well.
Studies have confirmed that increasing nitric oxide can significantly improve cardiovascular health and athletic performance.
L-arginine and citrulline, two precursors to NO, are frequently included as components in supplements that increase this important molecule; L-arginine converts into NO through nitric oxide synthase while citrulline can convert via non-canonical pathways to create more NO in your system.
Furthermore, supplementation has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure among those with mild hypertension.
Dietary supplements containing nitrates are widely available and frequently recommended to lower high blood pressure, but most evidence supporting such recommendations is anecdotal rather than scientifically grounded.
An exception to this trend is Vascanox HP; an oral disintegrating lozenge clinical trial using beetroot extract as its source for dietary nitrates with natural hydrogen sulfide source plus known reductants including vitamin C and other berry extracts that was administered daily and led to decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in most participants.