Does HIIT Increase Testosterone?

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


Quick Bite:

Research suggests that high intensity interval training (HIIT) increases testosterone and cortisol acutely after one session.

However, these levels return to their original levels over 24 hours due to various factors including components of HIIT training as well as participants' characteristics that impact its impact.


When it comes to building lean muscle mass, resistance training can be a powerful way to boost testosterone levels which has many benefits and is good for overall health.

A 2012 study compared HIIT with steady-state endurance exercises and found that HIIT actually increased testosterone levels while running continuously for 45 minutes did not.

In contrast, resistance training helps build lean muscle mass by making your muscles work against a force - in this case, weight machines, free weights, resistance bands, or your body weight.

There are many obvious benefits of resistance training.

HIIT increases testosterone levels

Resistance training has been shown to increase testosterone levels over a long period of time.

Research has shown that a 30-minute weightlifting session can increase testosterone levels by as much as 21.6 percent.

However, people new to weight training should seek qualified guidance before beginning an exercise routine.

This will ensure proper form and prevent injuries. You do not need to invest in expensive equipment to begin HIIT; you can simply use your body weight as resistance.

One study in 2012 compared HIIT and steady-state cardio and found that HIIT significantly increased testosterone levels.

The results showed that HIIT increased testosterone levels significantly more than 45 minutes of steady-state cardio.

In addition, HIIT also improves muscle growth by increasing nitric oxide, a substance that increases blood flow to the penis.

A recent study at the University of South Wales found that participants who engaged in HIIT routines reduced their body fat by three times more than those who did steady-state exercises.

While all types of exercise boost testosterone levels, high-intensity work and lifting weights may result in a greater release of the hormone.

While the post-workout super-spikes are temporary, the overall benefits of regular exercise are not to be overlooked.

While resistance work can be a crucial component of any T-tweaking routine, long-slow cardio slogs can actually decrease testosterone levels.

In conclusion, HIIT training is one of the best ways to increase testosterone levels. Unlike traditional resistance training, HIIT doesn't have the same adverse effects on women.

While it can elevate testosterone levels in men, it doesn't work as well on women. Nonetheless, it can improve total testosterone levels in aging men.

And unlike traditional resistance training, it's convenient for busy men. That's because HIIT doesn't require an hour or more in the gym.

Other ways to boost T levels are to take evidence based testosterone booster supplements or perform five-minute cycling sessions. These natural remedies work wonders for men's T levels.

If you're interested in starting a HIIT workout, talk to your doctor first. You might be surprised at the results. While testosterone levels are boosted through exercise, you must avoid taking chemicals that increase estrogen.

If your T level is already too high, it can harm the vulvar tissue and cause a number of negative side effects.

Resistance training increases testosterone levels

A heavy bout of resistance training increases testosterone levels. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone responsible for increasing muscle mass by stimulating the production of muscle proteins.

Testosterone also counteracts the catabolic effect of cortisol on muscle tissue. While testosterone increases during resistance training, the response is transient and blunts in post-menopausal women.

Therefore, exercise should be performed in a way that maintains testosterone levels.

The primary sex hormone in men and animals, testosterone increases the production of secondary sexual characteristics.

Testosterone also promotes increased muscle and bone mass and contributes to the growth of body hair.

This hormone also plays a role in controlling behaviour and moods, as well as helping to prevent osteoporosis. However, insufficient testosterone levels in males can lead to frailty and bone loss.

Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that men are achieving adequate testosterone levels to achieve a better sex life.

While the results of testosterone levels in men are contradictory, they are largely consistent.

While resistance training increases testosterone levels, endurance training decreases it. This may be a result of chronic stress from too much exercise. In addition, vitamin A deficiency can lower the levels of plasma testosterone.

However, vitamin D supplements are said to increase testosterone levels, but preliminary studies are conflicting. In middle-aged men with normal baseline levels, supplementation of vitamin D had no effect on testosterone levels.

It did not prevent testosterone decline in advanced heart failure patients.

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HIIT increases energy and nitric oxide levels

Research shows that HIIT exercises increase testosterone and energy levels. These workouts are short but intense and can be done anywhere.

They can be done on a treadmill, bike or other exercise equipment. To maximize the benefits of HIIT, sprints should be performed for only 5 to 10 seconds.

You can use a workout partner to encourage endurance and rest between sprints. This type of exercise also raises testosterone levels, but you need to know what your body needs and can tolerate before you start working out.

HIIT exercises increase testosterone levels in males by increasing growth hormone levels, normalizing blood sugar, and improving insulin sensitivity.

The benefits of HIIT exercise extend beyond the increase in testosterone levels. While HIIT exercises can boost your energy levels, they also help you build lean muscle and promote weight loss.

HIIT workouts increase protein synthesis, which increases testosterone levels.

HIIT increases muscle mass

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a type of cardiovascular exercise that improves testosterone levels by enhancing muscle mass and strength. The effects of HIIT on testosterone are not fully understood, however.

While some of the effects are not known, the study has identified several key aspects that contribute to this phenomenon.

The findings have important implications for exercise prescription and research. Here are a few of these findings.

HIIT involves high-intensity intervals of about a minute. A typical HIIT workout may consist of eight sets of intense exercises followed by a 10-second rest period.

While most exercises improve VO2 max and other fitness tests, HIIT may improve the testosterone levels in a more targeted way.

This type of workout may be more relevant for high-level athletes, but it can benefit casual gym goers who simply want to build muscle.

The acute effect of HIIT on testosterone is well-studied. The acute effect of HIIT on testosterone was demonstrated in five controlled trials and 27 pre-post intervention groups.

After the 30-min intervention, testosterone levels decreased slightly but were still increased. The results of the HIIT studies are promising, however further research is needed to determine whether the effect persists.

One way to tell if HIIT will increase testosterone is to see the results for yourself.

Full body weight lifting is another effective way to increase testosterone levels. It requires heavy lifting and a high-intensity effort, and you should aim to perform heavy lifts at 85 to 95 percent of your 1RM.

Ideally, you should do at least three full body weightlifting workouts a week for testosterone-boosting effects. You can even hire a personal trainer to help you learn the ropes.

Another important benefit of HIIT is that it requires less time than regular workouts. You can expect to burn more calories and build more muscle in just 30 minutes.

However, a high-intensity workout isn't recommended for beginners, and lots of people find it too demanding. Therefore, it's important to have a trainer or coach to help you with the exercises.

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No matter if you're training for combat, competing in an obstacle course race or taking CrossFit classes, a proper diet and workout regime are critical components to staying healthy.

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Military Muscle is said to contain anti-inflammatory ingredients such as Urtica dioica stinging nettle root extract, which has been found to help reduce inflammation that leads to hormone imbalance and reduced testosterone production.

Furthermore, vitamin D3, fenugreek, mucuna pruriens and tongkat ali are supported by evidence to stimulate further testosterone secretion.

Our supplement contains boron and iron, two ingredients proven to increase testosterone levels when taken together, as well as transparent ingredient labeling unlike many other testosterone booster supplements which obfuscate their formula with proprietary blends.


HIIT, or high intensity interval training, can boost testosterone levels temporarily.

However, these levels go back to normal within 24 hours because of different factors like the type of HIIT exercises and other variables unique to the person exercising.

To maintain higher testosterone levels in the long run, it's recommended to combine HIIT with resistance training like lifting weights.

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