Testosterone Booster Injection Side Effects

Testosterone Booster Injection Side Effects

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


Are you considering testosterone booster injections to enhance your athletic performance or address certain medical conditions?

While these injections can offer a range of benefits, it's important to also understand the potential side effects that come with them.

In this article, we delve beyond the surface and uncover the possible drawbacks of testosterone booster injections.

When it comes to improving muscle mass, increasing strength, or boosting libido, testosterone is often seen as the holy grail.

However, excessive or incorrect use of testosterone boosters can lead to a variety of side effects, including acne, hair loss, mood swings, and decreased sperm production.

It is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of both the benefits and risks before making a decision.

By exploring the side effects of testosterone booster injections, we aim to provide you with a well-rounded perspective on this popular supplement.

Stay informed, make knowledgeable choices, and prioritize your health and well-being. So, let's dive into the world of testosterone boosters and uncover the potential downsides that may come alongside their benefits.

Understanding the Benefits of Testosterone Booster Injections

Testosterone booster injections are a popular form of testosterone replacement therapy.

When administered intravenously, they bind with androgen receptors, increasing muscle mass and bone mineral density (BMD) while improving energy levels, mood and cognitive functioning.

By restoring testosterone levels within the normal range, testosterone replacement therapy can help improve the symptoms of hypogonadism. 

These include the most important benefits, such as improved mood, energy and well-being for patients, increased lean muscle mass, enhanced sexual function, and improvements in bone mineral density.

It is known that testosterone can help with libido and mood as well as bone density, muscle size, body composition, erythropoiesis and cognition. 

These benefits have led to a significant increase in testosterone replacement therapy over the last few years in the United States, with a more than 500% increase in prescription sales since 1993. 

Sexual function

Men who had a higher level of bio-T than men who had a lower level, and an androgen deficiency could contribute to the age related decline in male sexuality as outlined in this research.

In comparison to younger men, older men require higher levels circulating testosterone in order to maintain libido.

Other comorbidities and medications may be responsible for erectile dysfunction or diminished libido, with or without a deficiency in testosterone.

Testosterone treatment may be ideal for men with erectile dysfunction (ED), diminished libido, and documented testosterone deficiencies. 

A testosterone treatment that is adequate can help restore venous leakage in the corpuscavernosum, which is a common cause of ED among elderly men. 

Testosterone replacement also increases libido, sexual activity and sleep-related erections.

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Bone health 

The data dictates that the prevalence of osteoporosis and fractures is higher in older and younger hypogonadal men.

The prevalence of osteoporosis is twice as high in men with low testosterone levels as it is for those with a normal testosterone level.

Under high testosterone doses, bone density increases in hypogonadal males of all ages. 

This is due to the fact that testosterone increases osteoblastic activity, and aromatization into estrogen reduces osteoclastic activities. 

That said, it is still unknown what role partial androgen deficiencies play in the bone fracture rate of aging males.

Body composition

Studies have shown a correlation between bioavailable levels of testosterone and the amount of fat-free body mass.

In men, testosterone levels that decline with age can contribute to these changes.

This is because testosterone has a direct effect on the muscle cells or stimulates IGF-1 expression both directly and indirectly.

Testosterone may be effective at reversing the age-dependent changes in body composition and morbidity.

A 2003 study shows that testosterone administration improves the body composition by decreasing fat mass and increasing lean mass.

In most of these experiments, the change in body weight was not significant.

After androgen supplements to elderly men at a dose of 200mg Testosterone enanthate biweekly, there was a modest increase in muscle mass, arm circumference, and grip strength. However, fat mass was reduced modestly.

Quality of life

It is reported that men over 50 with low levels of free testosterone had a lower quality of life.

Hypogonadal males commonly complain of fatigue, irritability, and dysphoria.

These symptoms are similar to those of major depression.

There is a significant inverse correlation between the bioavailable testosterone level and a depression score among elderly men. 

The induced hypogonadal state was associated with reduced libido, reduced feelings of wellbeing and minimal effects on mood.

This 1998 study demonstrated that testosterone replacement reversed the depressive symptoms.

Cognitive function

Research has shown that patients with Alzheimer's (AD) had a lower ratio between total testosterone and SHBG than age-matched controls.

In the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, a prospective longitudinal study found that AD risk was reduced by 26 percent for every 10 unit (nmoL/nmoL), increase in free testosterone 2, 5, and 10 years before AD diagnosis.

A higher concentrations of free and bioavailable testosterone are associated with improved performance in memory and cognitive functions. This is true even after adjusting for possible confounders such as age, education, and cardiovascular morbidity.

The evidence from observational studies does not always agree, but lower levels of free testosterone appear to be associated with worse cognitive function, especially in older men. Testosterone therapy for hypogonadal men could have some benefits for cognitive performance.

Metabolic syndrome

Hypogonadal men also have many of the same metabolic syndrome components (obesity and hypertension, dyslipidemia, impaired glucose regulation, insulin resistance, etc.).

Lower testosterone levels are associated to surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease. This includes a less favorable carotid medial thickness ankle/brachial indice as a measure for peripheral arterial disease and calcific atheroma

The endogenous testosterone concentrations have an inverse relationship with mortality from cardiovascular disease or any other cause.

Low testosterone can be a predictor of those at risk for cardiovascular disease.

The relationship between lower testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction, as well as conditions associated with increased cardiovascular risk, appears to be interrelated.

The endogenous testosterone concentrations have an inverse relationship with mortality from cardiovascular disease or any other cause.

Low testosterone can be a predictor of those at risk for cardiovascular disease.

The relationship between lower testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction, as well as conditions associated with increased cardiovascular risk, appears to be interrelated.


Young hypogonadal males usually have fewer blood cells and lower levels of hemoglobin than their age-matched controls.

Healthy older men may also have lower hemoglobin levels compared to normal young men. It is believed that testosterone is the main androgen involved in normal hematopoiesis.

This involves direct stimulation of renal erythropoietin production by testosterone. Research suggests that the latter may also directly act on erythropoietic cells.

Potential Side Effects of Testosterone Booster Injections

Testosterone is an essential hormone, not only fostering healthy sexual drive but also impacting other areas such as body fat, muscle mass, bone density and red blood cell count.

If a man's testosterone levels are low his doctor may suggest treatment through testosterone injections known as "testosterone replacement therapy".

Test injections can be administered either by a doctor or at home using an insulin syringe with medical-grade needle.

Doctors tend to inject testosterone injections into muscles such as buttocks, triceps or thighs while self-administered injections may help men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED).

But like all forms of treatment, testosterone booster injections come with potential risks, so physicians should carefully consider their implications before prescribing long-term treatment plans.

Rarely, testosterone injection may reduce sperm production and therefore male fertility. Discuss this potential risk with your physician if you wish to have children.

Pregnancy-safe medications like testosterone therapy should never be used during gestation, as it could harm an unborn baby.

Before beginning treatment with testosterone therapy and using effective birth control methods, always consult your physician first and use effective contraception.

Furthermore, testosterone can increase blood pressure and heart attack or stroke risk significantly; therefore if you already suffer from high blood pressure or have heart disease your physician might advise against it.

This medication may alter how your liver produces certain enzymes. If you suffer from liver issues, your physician may reduce or monitor more closely.

Furthermore, this medicine has also been known to raise prostate cancer risk among some men as well as a build-up of oily skin to the face or back.

Most often, testosterone injections result in pain in the arms, neck or shoulders where injections are administered.

It may lead to an increase in breast tissue growth for female recipients; increased hair loss on the head and face; as well as an increased risk of prostate cancer, heart disease, stroke and death.

Other possible adverse reactions of high-dose testosterone use, when used outside recommended methods by doctors, could include changes to cholesterol levels; liver damage as well as psychological side effects like depression, mania or aggression leading to hallucinations or psychotic psychoses.

Some forms of testosterone injection, including testosterone cypionate, may contain ingredients like grape seed oil or sesame oil that could trigger an allergic reaction in certain people.

Seek emergency medical help immediately if symptoms include chest pain, trouble breathing or coughing up blood; sudden urge to have a bowel movement; swelling of face lips tongue throat or weakening or numbness of an arm or leg.

Potential Risks Examined

The risks of testosterone therapy are dependent on age, life circumstances and other medical conditions.

There is a chance of prostate cancer, worsening of symptoms of benign hypertrophy and liver toxicity, gynecomastia and infertility, as well as skin diseases. 

Exogenous testosterone can suppress the HPT axis, which is why testosterone replacement therapy should not be used by men who want to father a child.

Long-term testosterone replacement therapy has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular issues, including strokes and death from cardiovascular disease.

Due to this information, public health advocacy groups requested the Food and Drug Administration add black-box warnings on certain forms of the medication packaging.

Risks associated with excess testosterone are greater for older adults and men with preexisting conditions like high blood pressure or history of heart attack, particularly if they take testosterone supplementation drugs like Adexa for blood clot prevention and/or to stimulate growth of benign prostate tissue and increase cancerous tumor risk in the prostate gland.

It can also turn into estrogen which increases breast cancer risks significantly.

Testosterone enanthate injection may lead to serious breathing issues and allergic reactions during and immediately following administration, and should always be used by individuals who are allergic.

You should seek medical help immediately if symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty breathing or swallowing, tightening of throat muscles, urge to cough or wheeze or fainting are experienced after taking this drug.

Furthermore, it should never be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women since taking this drug could harm an unborn baby.

The risks are outlined below:

  • Stimulate growth of prostate cancer and breast cancer
  • Worsen symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy
  • Cause liver toxicity and liver tumor
  • Cause gynecomastia
  • Cause erythrocytosis
  • Cause testicular atrophy and infertility
  • Cause skin diseases
  • Cause or exacerbate sleep apnea


It is well-known that androgen is necessary for the development benign prostatic hyperplasia. 

Testosterone supplements can increase prostate volume, resulting in a mild increase in prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels in older men.


That said, so far, there is no compelling evidence that testosterone has a causative role in prostate cancer. In fact, it should be recognized that prostate cancer becomes more prevalent exactly at the time of a man's life when testosterone levels decline. 

After a median of nineteen months of TRT, hypogonadal men with a history prostate cancer showed no recurrence of PSA and statistically significant improvements to their hypogonadal symptoms and total testosterone. 

There is no evidence to suggest that normalizing testosterone serum levels for men with low testosterone levels is harmful. TRT is a cautious option for hypogonadal men who are being treated with prostate cancer and have no active disease.

Liver health

The adverse effects of testosterone replacement therapy on the liver have been reported.

These include benign and malignant hepatic tumours, intrahepatic cholesterol, hepatotoxicity and liver failure, but these issues are not associated with transdermal or intramuscular injections.

This is why oral testosterone, except for testosterone undecanoate and testosterone acetate, should be avoided. 

Other liver abnormalities are associated with TRT, including hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatisis hepatis and hepatocellular tumour. 


It is most likely that testosterone stimulates the erythropoiesis. 

Erythrocytosis may develop during testosterone therapy, especially for older men who are treated with injectable testosterone preparations.

Topical preparations are associated with a higher risk of erythrocytosis compared to injections.

The majority of the changes occurred during the first three months after treatment.

The elevation of hemoglobin over certain levels can have negative outcomes, especially for the elderly.

This is because the increase in blood viscosity may exacerbate vascular diseases in the coronary, cerebral, or peripheral circulation, particularly among people with secondary polycythemia (i.e. chronic obstructive lung disease).


The benign side effect of testosterone treatment is gynecomastia.

This is due to the aromatization of estradiol into testosterone in the peripheral fat and muscle tissues.

It is normal to have a normal ratio of testosterone to estradiol. This occurs most often with testosterone enanthate and cypionate. It may be necessary to adjust the dose.

Testicular size

The down-regulation of gonadotropins is responsible for the diminution of testicular size during testosterone replacement therapy and the compromised fertility.

Testicular size may be reduced and azoospermia can occur with supraphysiologic doses.

Sleep apnea

The effects of testosterone on upper airway dimensions are not known, but it is likely to contribute to sleep disorder breathing through central mechanisms according to this 1985 study.


Transdermal testosterone-replacement therapy is associated with a variety of skin reactions, mainly erythema or pruritus, which are more common with patches than with gel preparations.

Intramuscular testosterone injections can cause localized pain, soreness or bruising. They may also cause swelling, nodules or furuncles.

Acne can be caused by high doses of androgens. 

Managing and Minimizing the Side Effects of Testosterone Booster Injections 

Before beginning treatment, your physician should review your medical history and prescribe an effective dose for you.

Furthermore, be sure to tell them of any health conditions such as heart disease, sleep apnea or high blood pressure that you are currently living with. 

Testosterone may interact with other medicines, including vitamins and herbal products.

Tell your physician about all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, minerals and herbal products you take (both prescription and nonprescription), and pregnancy or breastfeeding risks; also notify them if pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant during breastfeeding.

Before and during treatment, laboratory parameters such as PSA, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, lipid profiles and liver function tests should be monitored.

Patients should be checked for signs of edema and gynecomastia. They should also be checked for sleep apnea symptoms, lower urinary system symptoms, or low bone mineral density. 

The Endocrine Society has published clinical practice guidelines for monitoring TRT patients.


Three months after starting testosterone therapy, it is important to monitor the levels of testosterone.

A mid-morning serum total testosterone level should also be determined.

For older men, a target range of 400-500 ng/dL (14.0-17.5 nmol/L) is suggested.

If there is no symptomatic reaction, higher levels of treatment may be required.

The serum level of injectable testosterone can be measured between injections.

The serum level of men treated with transdermal testosterone patches should be measured between 3 and 12 hours after the patch application.

The serum level of patients who are receiving buccal testosterone tablets should be checked immediately before the application of a new system.

After a week of treatment, patients on testosterone gel can have their levels checked.

In all cases, the bioavailable testosterone level should be monitored since testosterone therapy lowers SHBG.

The hematocrit level should be checked at the baseline, 3 and 6 month intervals, and then annually.

If the hematocrit exceeds 54%, discontinue therapy until it falls to a safe level. Assess for hypoxia and sleep-apnea. Restart therapy at a reduced dosage.

Every 1 to 2 years, testosterone therapy should be followed by a baseline BMD measurement of the lumbar spine or femoral head in hypogonadal males with osteoporosis and low trauma fractures.

Before starting treatment, a digital rectal exam and PSA level must be obtained at 3 months. Then, according to the guidelines for prostate cancer screening based on the age and race, the patient should undergo a PSA test.

It is important to discuss the use of testosterone preparations with patients, and then monitor them closely for efficacy and side effects.

If the clinical manifestations do not improve, treatment should be discontinued after 3 months in cases of libido, sexual function, improved muscle function and body fat, and a longer period for bone mineral density. 

Alternatives to Testosterone Booster Injections

Testosterone boosting injections offer a quick solution to low testosterone symptoms like mood swings, reduced energy and slower progress at the gym. 

Furthermore, TRT or steroids are illegal in many countries, and a prescription is required.

Therefore, a doctor must assess your condition, so if you are not technically suffering from abnormally low, or reduced testosterone that isn't of a health concern, TRT is not guranteed to be prescribed to you.

What are the options?

But if injections aren't your cup of tea, there are natural testosterone supplements that may provide relief without needles. 

Natural Testosterone Booster Supplements

Natural testosterone booster supplements have quickly become an appealing alternative to costly hormonal therapies and prescription drugs.

These dietary pills help the body regulate its natural production of testosterone while providing additional health benefits.

Natural testosterone boosters contain various ingredients, from vitamins to minerals and herbs.

While some ingredients directly increase testosterone production, others support healthy hormone concentration levels by aiding other bodily processes.

Fenugreek seed extract and Tongkat ali have long been staple ingredients of many supplements; more recently however, other substances like boron and ashwagandha have also become potential ingredient choices.

Before selecting any supplement, it's essential to thoroughly read its label and confirm its ingredients have clinical support for healthy hormone concentrations.

Also important are price, dosage and any money-back guarantees available with the product. Furthermore, consulting with healthcare professionals before beginning any new dietary supplement regimen is strongly encouraged.

Military Muscle is safe, legal and effective

Military Muscle is a supplement composed of vitamins, herbs, extracts and minerals sourced from all over the world that is designed to boost testosterone.

Military Muscle users who consume three capsules each day can see an increase in libido, energy levels, muscle formation and fat loss.

Military Muscle is unlike some supplements in that its ingredients and dosages are listed clearly on our website, enabling customers to make an informed decision before buying it. 

Our vegan-friendly formula has been developed specifically to support combat sports competitors and those engaging in strenuous fitness challenges like military-style boot camps or CrossFit workouts.

This ingredient blend helps men develop physical and mental strength comparable to that of soldiers while increasing sex drive, increasing energy levels and providing better sperm health outcomes.


Testosterone booster injections have become an increasingly popular treatment option in America for men suffering from low testosterone.

These injections contain isolated testosterone not produced naturally by the body and have been shown to significantly boost levels in men.

Testosterone plays various roles within the body such as maintaining healthy muscle density, keeping red blood cell count normal and increasing sexual drive.

To obtain testosterone injections, it is necessary to visit your physician. They will perform an initial physical exam and conduct a comprehensive medical history review; additionally they may order blood work to evaluate your current testosterone levels.

If long term use of this medication is planned, regular check-ins with them may also be recommended in order to ensure balanced levels.

Your doctor will recommend an appropriate dosage of testosterone, either via injections in his office or self-administration at home with needles and syringes as required.

However, testosterone can have severe adverse side effects when taken in high doses or combined with other male sex hormone products, particularly at higher dosage levels or if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

People with high blood pressure or heart disease are at a greater risk for experiencing serious adverse reactions from testosterone medication such as Depo-Testosterone(r) (Depo), EnanthateTM (XyostedTM, available generically), or UndecanoateTM (Aveed). All three forms can increase blood pressure resulting in stroke or heart attacks.

As a result, there are natural alternatives available, yet all are not equal. As such, ensure that you are confident in the product, ingredients, doses and brand.

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