Does Lifting Weights at a Young Age Stunt Your Growth?

Does Lifting Weights at a Young Age Stunt Your Growth?

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


Are You Worried That Early Weightlifting Will Halt Your Growth?

Well don't fret as we disproved an age-old myth about early weightlifting's affects on height.

We will delve deeper into this popular debate and dissect its science to disprove myths surrounding weightlifting by children and adolescents, with concerns raised over potential stunted growth arising as an issue for weightlifting participation among younger individuals.

In this article we'll focus on disproving myths by delving deeper into science behind this popular debate and providing clarity.

For years now parents and some medical practitioners have cautioned children and adolescents not engaging in weightlifting activity, citing potential stunted development potential risks as an issue for caution against weightlifting participation by young individuals.

Recent research and expert analysis are offering new insight on this matter, challenging popular beliefs that early weightlifting will harm height growth.

According to expert opinion, early lifting does not impede height development at any point during its practice.

By understanding the science underlying early weightlifting and how resistance training affects bone development, we will examine human growth processes as well as possible precautions taken by young lifters.

By learning the truth behind weightlifting for young athletes, we can empower young athletes to pursue their passions without fear.

If early weightlifting could potentially stunt growth and dispel myths related to its practice - read further and uncover its truth and disprove any misperceptions.

In this article we shall look at the following points:

  • Growth and development
  • Weightlifting on bone growth
  • Weightlifting and hormones
  • Misconceptions about weightlifting and growth
  • Benefits of weightlifting
  • Incorporating weightlifting
  • Nutrition and rest
  • Technique and form
  • Conclusion

Lifting weights early could hinder growth. This belief likely stemmed from fear that lifting would injure children's softer growth plates; however, any activity which exerts forceful pressure or strain puts their bodies under heavy stress and could potentially do this as well.

Growth plate injuries are also a risk of running, playing explosive youth sports and other physical activities; however, the benefits of weight training far outweigh this risk.

The science behind growth and development

One of the primary concerns that are expressed about children and weight lifting is whether it will inhibit their development.

This fear stems from the belief that weight-bearing exercise will damage epiphyseal growth plates (EGP). EGPs are soft regions at the ends of long bones in your body that act as primary mechanisms through which bones grow longer in length.

However, the science underlying this theory is flawed. When an EGP injury does occur, it usually results from improper form and heavy loads being applied. EGP fractures do not usually result in stunted growth.

Children can start lifting weights at a young age, provided that they are mature enough and dedicated to following proper safety guidelines.

A professional should supervise the exercises as well. Studies have also revealed that weightlifting increases muscular and bone strength which makes your body less vulnerable to injuries - making weightlifting particularly helpful for youth athletes who often face sports-related traumas.

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The effects of weightlifting on bone growth

Weightlifting and other forms of strength training are effective ways to develop muscle mass and bone density in adolescents. However, some parents and teens may be intimidated from starting resistance training as they have heard that it inhibits their growth.

Weightlifting may pose a threat to growth plates, the regions of cartilaginous tissue at the ends of long bones such as the femur in legs and the tibia in shins that soften during development but harden into mature bone after puberty.

Weightlifting or other high-impact activities that use improper technique or lift too heavy a weight could damage these growth plates; however, such damage should be minimal and will quickly repair itself by their bodies.

People typically reach peak bone mass around age 30, after which growth in length (rather than width) stops. Exercise can help people maintain this height and slow gradual bone loss as we age; even kids can safely engage in weightlifting, provided they use appropriate technique and resistance.

The impact of weightlifting on hormonal balance

As hormones are chemical messengers that regulate complex body processes, it's vital to maintain an ideal hormonal balance.

Exercise is one of the best natural ways to promote hormonal harmony; weightlifting in particular has proven very useful for both genders.

Lifting heavy weights stimulates anabolic hormones like testosterone and growth hormone that help increase muscle mass.

Furthermore, lifting induces insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) production which repairs and grows new muscle fibers after exercise; as well as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Both these substances create new neural pathways while strengthening communication among existing ones.

For optimal weightlifting results, focus on compound movements that work multiple muscle groups at once - like squats, deadlifts, bench presses and pull-ups.

In addition, lift to failure whenever possible as studies have demonstrated this will boost IGF-1 and testosterone production since your body must work harder against resistance.

Misconceptions about weightlifting and growth

At times it can be difficult to tell fact from fiction when it comes to strength training, with contradictory information being spread widely online and easily found by retailers and media. Luckily, a recent study disproved a myth about weight lifting halting growth.

Myth: Resistance training damages immature bones' soft growth plates, leading them to close early. While this risk does exist in rare instances, its application does not apply universally across forms of resistance training.

No evidence indicates that weightlifting will cause growth plates to close prematurely. According to various studies conducted, resistance training can actually provide numerous advantages for children and adolescents by strengthening them, increasing bone density and even decreasing fracture risk.

Weightlifting has also been shown to stimulate growth hormones, which is beneficial in multiple ways: fitness improvement, improved self-esteem and even an increase in height can all result from weightlifting.

If you're young person looking to hit the gym and build lean muscle without damaging your growing bones - don't be deterred by all the misinformation out there about weightlifting!

Simply be sure you lift properly under an organized program in order to reach your goals without damage to bones!

Benefits of weightlifting for young athletes

Weightlifting is not only safe and beneficial exercise for kids and teenagers, but it also provides them with many health advantages that can enhance athletic performance.

Weightlifting strengthens muscle mass, decreases blood pressure, increases metabolism, burns calories more efficiently, boosts energy, and eases stress.

Though weight lifting may appear easy for children, seeking guidance from an expert is still recommended when starting out.

They can assist in teaching proper technique as well as developing a workout program tailored specifically to a child's level of experience and capabilities.

As well as seeking guidance, youth athletes should rest between workouts and consume a diet rich in whole food nutrition in order to ensure proper recovery from injuries and avoid unnecessary discomfort.

Importance of nutrition growth and recovery

Poor nutrition and lack of exercise are major risk factors for disease, contributing to early childhood weight problems, reduced motor skills and cognitive development, poor school performance, stunted growth and stunted development

If a child is participating in sports, fitness and/or other exercise their nutritional requirements may change as their sports intensify or long practices drain energy reserves quickly.

These reserves need replenishing with meals and snacks that contain carbs, proteins and fats as well as key vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iron.

Athletes' nutritional needs vary based on their sport, intensity and duration of practice or games, body size and training goals.

Athletes participating in demanding endurance sports like rowing, cross-country running and competitive swimming may require higher carbohydrate and overall caloric needs than those participating in less demanding sports such as basketball or tennis.

All kids and adolescents should consume sufficient energy to meet their energy demands while limiting intake from junk foods. Instead, focus on feeding children whole grains, fruits and vegetables; lean proteins; low-fat dairy; as well as healthy fats from plant oils, fish or nuts.

Children should eat three to four hours before playing sports to give their digestive systems time to digest the meal and prevent discomfort or stomachache from the food they've just eaten, particularly if young athletes are involved. Fat takes longer for your gastric system to empty so avoid high-fat pre-game meals.

After engaging in physical activities, children should eat a snack or meal within 30 minutes to help their bodies begin the rebuilding of muscle and replenishing energy stores.

An optimal post exercise recovery meal includes sources of protein such as beans, yogurt or cheese as well as carbohydrates like whole grains or fruit and plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Proper weightlifting technique and form

While adding weight may tempt you, proper lifting form must remain your top priority if you want to train effectively and reduce injury risk. Poor form can also create imbalances which reduce strength and performance.

The misconception that weightlifting stunts growth likely stems from fears about damage to immature bones' growth plates, but such injuries can occur with any sport or exercise due to poor technique or too rapid loading.

Before young athletes start lifting weights, it is vital that they seek guidance from a certified strength and conditioning specialist or trainer.

A certified strength and conditioning specialist or trainer can teach them proper exercises and techniques while creating a workout program tailored specifically for them and their abilities and goals.

Furthermore, it's key that their training plan involves gradual progression along with sufficient rest and recovery.


One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding kids and weight training is that it will stunt growth. Unfortunately, this falsehood prevents both young adults and children from reaping all of the advantages that strength training brings - not to mention its potential to cause future physical issues such as herniated discs, fractures and more.

Concerns surrounding weight lifting and stunting center around its ability to damage growth plates.

Growth plates are areas of cartilaginous tissue located at the ends of long bones such as the femur in legs or the tibia in shins that serve as sites of statural development during childhood and early adolescence until they harden into mature bone at puberty's end.

It is thought that weight training damages growth plates because too much stress placed upon immature bones could result in injury.

Although weight lifting may cause damage to growth plates, damage may also occur through other activities like rugby, running and basketball - or recreational activities that involve jumping and landing.

Children can safely lift weights with proper supervision and guidance. To ensure their own safety, they should receive education on how to perform exercises correctly and begin by beginning with light weights with high repetitions (12-20 rep range) until they become strong enough for further progressions. This ensures they don't become injured.

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