Unveiling the Effects of Stress on Testosterone Levels

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


Stress has an undeniable impact on testosterone levels, and understanding this connection is of vital importance.

By investigating its impact on testosterone, we can gain valuable insight into their mutually-reinforcing relationship - one which not only enhances our knowledge of human anatomy but may provide avenues for controlling stress and increasing testosterone production.

Military Muscle is our product that has been specifically formulated using evidence-informed nutrients to maximise a healthy hormonal balance whilst supporting many other physiological functions.

Key Points:

  • Stress has a significant impact on testosterone levels, highlighting the importance of understanding this connection.
  • Military Muscle is a product designed to optimize hormonal balance and support overall physiological functions.
  • Managing stress is crucial for maintaining healthy testosterone levels and overall well-being.

Stress is a common condition

Stress is something we've all dealt with at some point in our lives. The definition of'stressful,' however, can differ from person to person. What may be stressful to one individual, could appear minor to another. 

The state of stress is one that disturbs the natural balance in our bodies. Stress can be caused by a trauma, social events, changes in relationships, or work. 

Stress affects us in different ways. Stress can be categorized in a wide range of ways. Some people manage stress more effectively than others. Long-term stress may affect the mind and body more than first believed. 

Stress can be categorized into "good" and "bad". Some stress is "good" when we rise to the challenge or take a risk, while others are "tolerable", and are managed by family and friends.

"Toxic stress", on the other hand, results from stress that cannot be tolerated. Stress can become toxic when there is no support system. This stress then becomes chronic and long-term. 

But stress of all kinds has a negative impact on our health and well-being. Stress and testosterone have a strong connection for us men. 

Since testosterone is important in so many ways, stress management should be top priority. 

Stress: Does cortisol block testosterone? 

Cortisol can be described as your body's alert system. Cortisol is released when you are stressed and works in conjunction with other brain areas to regulate your mood, motivation and fear. 

Cortisol, which is produced in the adrenal glands (at the top of kidneys), is often credited with triggering your body's fight or flight response when you are under stress. It also has a role to play in the other areas of your body.

This includes reducing inflammation, controlling your blood sugar, and increasing your energy level. 

We may never be able eliminate stress from our life (if only!) When our hormones are not in balance, cortisol and testosterone (the stress hormone), can form a rocky bond. 

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Stress and testosterone

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly, your blood glucose will remain stable. This reduces the risk of crashes, and consequently, cortisol. 

Stress can cause your body to release cortisol. This could lead to a poorer sleep pattern, memory loss, an impaired immune system, and reduced testosterone levels. 

You will naturally feel a lack of confidence, strength, and energy if your testosterone levels are low and cortisol is high. 

Stress can cause low testosterone.

Stress and testosterone can create a difficult vicious cycle. 

Stress can lower testosterone levels, but it doesn't always. When your testosterone is low, stressing out will cause you to release even more cortisol. This cycle continues. 

Low testosterone and long-term stress can have some similar symptoms. This makes it hard to diagnose. 

Low testosterone can cause fatigue, a lack in sex desire, and low energy. It is difficult to determine the exact cause. Stress and low testosterone symptoms can look similar. It could either be stress that lowers testosterone or you already have a low level. 

It can also depend on whether the stress is chronic or acute. Stress can temporarily lower testosterone in acute situations.

 Excessive exercise, which is often ignored, can have a negative impact on your body. This stress will lower testosterone and cause inadequate recovery. 

In general, chronically stressed individuals will experience a decrease in testosterone. 

Stress and Low Testosterone: How to manage it

You should be able to identify and manage any stress-related symptoms, as well as low testosterone. 

Your wellbeing should always be your top priority when it comes to testosterone and stress levels. 

Stress is a subjective experience. Stress is subjective. We each experience it differently and manage it differently. 

We all experience stress differently, and we have our own triggers. What works for your friend may not work for you and vice-versa. Stress can have a negative impact on your body. And testosterone and stress are a dangerous combination. 

Stress is an extremely complex system. You may feel shaky and your thoughts could race when you are under stress. 

Many men are curious about whether cortisol blocks testosterone, since it is the stress hormone that is responsible for physiologic changes. 


The amygdala is the part of your brain that processes emotions such as fear, anger, and arousal to determine the appropriate response. 

A signal is then sent to the hypothalamus, which responds by secreting corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF), signalling the pituitary gland to secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). 

The knock-on effects of ACTH lead to an increased production of cortisol, the stress hormone. Catecholamines, such as epinephrine (adrenaline), are then released. 

In stressful situations, our "fight-or-flight" reflex releases adrenaline in our systems, which is the reason our bodies are able to do things that we would not otherwise be able to. In stressful situations, adrenaline may "take over", allowing us to make quick decisions. 

Due to the fact that adrenaline, stress, and testosterone all have a link, it is only natural for adrenaline and testosterone to be discussed. The release of adrenaline may cause an increase in heartbeat, hypertension and sweating, along with increased breathing. 

A healthy cortisol level regulates the metabolic rate of proteins, fats, and glucose in a circular way. It also controls the immune system. In stressful situations, adrenaline (which is beyond a healthy amount of cortisol) can counteract the balance of glucose in our body, and also impact our bodies. 

Stress and testosterone: Different kinds

Stress, testosterone levels, adrenaline and cortisol are all factors that can affect anabolism

You may also be interested in: The Signs of Low Testeroid During Your 20s and Thirties 

The anabolism metabolic pathway is the collection of pathways which builds molecules by combining smaller parts. The reactions are energy-intensive and also known as endergonic processes. The building up aspect of metabolism is called anabolism, while the breakdown aspect is known as catabolism. 

Stress hormones

Stress hormones, as we have already discussed, can be a major factor in our body's health. Stress hormones can cause an overall catabolic condition, where synthesis is downregulated. 


In their catabolic nature, glucocorticoids such as cortisol decrease the synthesis of proteins and RNA and cause an increase in degradation in muscles, skin, connective tissue, fat and lymphoid. It is catabolic and essential in stressful times, such as those caused by exercise. 

Growth hormone

Growth hormones, which are the main anabolic hormones during times of stress, play a vital role in the development of a lean physique. If you are struggling to lose weight, it could be that your stress level and other factors in your body is affecting your progress. 


Epinephrine, also known as "adrenaline", has a complicated relationship with the hormone testosterone. Both Adrenaline, and Testosterone are commonly linked to strength. The former leads to an increase in muscle mass and the latter increases temporary contractile strength. 

It's a common misconception that testosterone and adrenaline work in tandem. However, testosterone and adrenaline don't always cooperate. 


It is often referred to catabolic, as it encourages glycolysis and lipolysis. In a negative-feedback loop, it works with insulin to increase blood sugar and fatty acid levels in the bloodstream when your glucose level is low. It is elevated when you are stressed. 

Stress can affect testosterone levels

The power of stress in our daily lives is immense. Although we may not think that our stress levels are high, they certainly are. 

Stress has a major impact on hormones and testosterone in particular. It can become a cycle, as we have already discussed. 

Feeling stressed...

The level of testosterone is reduced...

The lowered testosterone levels can cause us to feel stress...

Get even more stressed!

testosteone and stress cycle infographic

According to experts, managing your stress can help improve symptoms of low T. Manage your stress levels as a first step to reducing the symptoms of low testosterone. 

You may not even be aware of the things that are stressing you! You can manage your stress naturally by doing these things: 

  • Weight loss can boost testosterone levels.
  • Rest is important for hormone balance. Try to get to sleep earlier if you are going to be late.
  • Increase your intake of high-protein and low-fat food to help balance testosterone, fight fatigue, and reduce feelings of sluggishness.
  • Exercise – Exercise can boost your mood! Cardio can also release endorphins which reduce stress and boost your testosterone


Stress is unfortunately a normal part of life. The levels of stress, and how we respond to situations that are stressful can be very different. 

Stress can affect your health if you are unable to deal with stress or if it becomes chronic. 

Although some of the symptoms of low test can also be caused by long-term stress, pinpointing its cause is difficult. If you are wondering if stress can cause low testosterone then the answer is yes. Yes, it can. 

It is important to consider the type of stressor, and how you manage it.

This will determine what impact stress can have on your mental and physical well-being. 

Surround yourself with strong people and find ways to deal with stress on a daily basis, like meditating or self-care. 

Military Muscle can help you boost testosterone and increase energy levels. This 100% natural formula boosts your testosterone naturally, and helps reverse symptoms associated with low T.

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