Does a Vasectomy Lower Testosterone?

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.
A vasectomy involves sealing and clipping off the vas deferens tube that sperm use to exit testicles; this does not decrease testosterone levels or impact hormone production.
Vasectomies are an easy, 10-15 minute procedure performed in the doctor's office with local anesthesia for effective birth control.
Vasectomy is an effective birth control option for men who don't want children and is fast, cheaper, and safer than female sterilization (tubal ligation).
Vasectomy boasts an outstanding safety record with minimal short- and long-term complications compared to female tubal ligation; however, some worry it might have an adverse impact on testosterone levels.
Males produce their own testosterone, which enters their bloodstream via testicles. A vasectomy clips and seals tubes leading from testicles to sperm ducts in the penis
However, this does not impede testicular function or production as testosterone continues to be made by testicles and then absorbed through urethra into circulation.
Scientific Reports recently published the findings of a scientific research team showing that vasectomy does not negatively impact male sexual hormone levels.
According to their conclusions, no long-term impact was felt by vasectomy on testosterone, luteinizing hormone or free steroid concentrations and there were no notable changes in either sperm counts or ratio of testosterone/dihydrotestosterone ratios following vasectomy.
Some individuals experience discomfort after undergoing vasectomy surgery. Symptoms may include testicular pain, hard, painful lumps the size of a pea in the scrotum, and discomfort during ejaculation.
Most symptoms typically resolve within days or a week with proper support and acetaminophen usage providing some relief; their causes remain unclear but could possibly relate to how the vas deferens is cut during surgery.
As part of any decision to have a vasectomy, it's wise to consult a urologist about any risks it might entail, including its potential impact on testosterone levels.
Discuss this decision with both partners involved; this decision must ultimately be your own and should only be undertaken if certain that no further children should come into your life.
Sex drive
Making the decision to get a vasectomy can be a difficult one.
On one hand, it may offer relief from worries over becoming pregnant unexpectedly or having biological children in future; yet many men worry it might diminish their sex drive or performance in bed.
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure in which tubes that carry sperm from testicles to penis are surgically cut or sealed off, effectively stopping any more sperm from reaching semen, or seminal fluid, males produce during sexual encounters.
While vasectomies do prevent some sperm from reaching this seminal fluid (semen), research shows it does not affect testosterone levels or sexual desire in any way; moreover they do not hinder sexual ability, interest or quality of orgasms either!
Libido refers to a person's overall sexual appetite and drive, which can be affected by various factors like physical health, mood, brain function and hormone levels as well as stress causing production of less testosterone in your body.
There are ways you can boost your libido and reignite sexual passion such as practicing relaxation techniques, eating well and engaging in regular physical activity such as practicing relaxation techniques or eating healthily and exercising regularly.
Men who have undergone vasectomy should continue using barrier methods of birth control such as condoms to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
A vasectomy does not protect against HIV or other viruses that cause genital cancer; nor can it provide protection from STIs that could lead to infertility or pregnancy.
Mental health
Men who undergo vasectomy often feel relief that unintended pregnancy will no longer be an issue, yet conflicted by no longer being able to have biological children in the future. Some individuals also experience depression following having undergone this procedure - this could be caused by various factors.
One cause of depression can be seen as the change in self-perception following vasectomy surgery, when someone feels less masculine and finds intimacy difficult, particularly romantic relationships.
Most individuals recover quickly after having undergone vasectomy procedures.
Pre and Post Surgery
Before surgery, it's a wise idea to cleanse both groin and scrotum areas thoroughly, including shaving any remaining hairs. This will help minimize swelling and discomfort following the procedure.
Wear loose-fitting underwear while sleeping to reduce swelling; and avoid vigorous activity until incision site heals fully. Cold compresses may be applied for 24 to 48 hours post-surgery in addition to elevating groin for pain reduction and swelling reduction.
Pain and bruising after vasectomy is normal and should subside within a few days, while over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen may help ease discomfort and alleviate swelling.
Some men experience post-vasectomy pain syndrome after receiving a vasectomy operation, wherein a hard, sometimes painful pea-sized lump appears around where they had the procedure performed.
Although its exact cause remains unknown, post-vasectomy pain syndrome affects up to 2% of individuals after this operation and does not appear related to vasectomy procedures themselves.
Vasectomy does not impact testosterone production in the testicles. Rather, testosterone is created within them and transported through blood to other parts of the body through various means, including interrupting sperm flow within vas deferens tubes but without disrupting blood supply to or from testicles .
This short procedure typically lasts 10 - 15 minutes and takes place in either a doctor's office or outpatient clinic.
A local anesthetic numbs the scrotum before the urologist makes a puncture, then cuts and seals the tube that transports semen from testicles to reduce pain during and post procedure.
Although generally painless, symptoms may resemble bee sting pain for up to several days following; pain medicine or supportive underwear may help ease symptoms during recovery.
Testosterone is an androgen hormone responsible for sexual performance, muscle mass growth, bone density and deep vocal tones in males.
Healthy levels of testosterone help us feel sharp, focused and full of energy - however low testosterone levels can have serious repercussions such as erectile dysfunction or decreased libido.
Hence many men worry about vasectomy procedure's effect on their sexual performance or libido.
A vasectomy is a form of permanent male sterilization which involves cutting or sealing off the tubes that transport sperm from testicles to penis, thus preventing sperm from reaching seminal fluid (semen), where it could combine with female hormones to form fertilized eggs.
Men undergoing vasectomy will still ejaculate semen during sex sessions but without any sperm-containing cells.
Many men fear that having a vasectomy will decrease their libido or cause issues with erectile function.
However, the procedure itself should not have immediate negative repercussions in this regard.
Erectile dysfunction could result due to hormonal shifts, psychological issues or physical trauma due to surgery; most often this issue can be corrected through medical treatments and lifestyle modifications.
Studies comparing testosterone, free luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone secreting index (TSI) levels between men with and without vasectomies found no statistically significant differences.