Testosterone Help Beard Growth

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.
Have you ever found yourself asking why some men manage to grow thick beards while others struggle just to sprout a patch or two of scruff?
One possible explanation lies within testosterone itself - in this article, we explore this fascinating link between beard growth and levels of this essential male hormone.
Testosterone, as the primary male sexual hormone, plays an integral part in shaping masculine traits such as facial hair growth.
Studies suggest that higher testosterone levels correlate to more beard growth. Understanding how testosterone and beard growth relate can assist men seeking lush beards by taking steps to naturally boost their levels.
Men can increase facial hair growth through various strategies that range from leading a healthy lifestyle and including certain nutrients in their diet to managing stress effectively and exercising on an ongoing basis.
There are various approaches they can utilize in order to promote facial hair growth. No matter if it is patchy facial hair that you are struggling with or simply exploring beard science.
Hypogonadism is the condition of having low testosterone. It isn't necessarily life-threatening but can have a negative impact on the body.
This article provides valuable insight into the connection between testosterone levels and beard growth - so let us dive in together and discover its secrets for growing an impressive beard!
What is the function of testosterone?
Testosterone is needed for energy, muscle growth and strength, mood regulation and libido. It also helps with brain and bone function.
Low levels can cause fatigue, loss of energy, mood swings and a lack of interest or motivation.
There is also a link between low testosterone and slowed beard growth, according to research. The Cleveland Clinic states that low testosterone levels can cause body hair to thin.
If you suspect that your beard may suffer from low levels of T, pay attention to the rest of your skin. If you notice thinner hairs on your legs and arms, this could indicate that your T-levels have dropped.
DHT, or dihydrotestosterone as it is also known, plays a role in this process. DHT is the compound responsible for male-pattern baldness.
When DHT levels are too high they can lead to hair loss on top of your head. When testosterone production is normal, DHT also releases normally. This makes it easier to grow a beard.
The role of testosterone in beard growth
The influence of testosterone in beard growth remains an area of intense controversy among males.
Some claim genetics play the largest part; however, others have taken steps to increase their testosterone levels and encourage full beard growth.
Simply getting enough rest, exercising regularly and eating a well-balanced diet are all great ways to do just that; you could even consider taking beard growth supplements that contain testosterone boosters to amplify this process!
Testosterone is the key factor behind thicker and longer beard hair growth. It stimulates hair follicles to enter anagen phase when new hair growth starts, and testosterone converts into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) via specific enzymes within each follicle - this causes facial hair to thicken more rapidly due to DHT's powerful effects; which explains why some men sport denser or coarser beards than others.
DHT produced by your follicles is responsible for controlling facial hair length, but your genetics could influence their sensitivity to testosterone's chemical signal.
Follicles with less androgen sensitivity produce thin, light hair known as peach fuzz while more androgen-sensitive ones will only thicken with sufficient testosterone levels present - taking supplements under medical advice can speed up beard growth if your test levels drop too low.
Factors that affect testosterone levels
Testosterone is an essential male hormone, impacting sexual drive, bone and muscle mass development, fat storage and red blood cell production.
Testosterone levels peak during puberty but gradually decline after age 30, potentially disrupting mental and physical wellbeing.
Certain health conditions, medications and injuries can contribute to low testosterone (low-T). Klinefelter's syndrome, for instance, causes underactive testicles which do not produce enough testosterone; testicle injuries from mumps orchitis treatment or cancer treatment can also cause hypogonadism (low T).
Tests that measure total testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), can provide insight into any hormonal issues you may be having. A less common but still useful test measures only the active form of testosterone which affects cells and tissues directly.
High levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), can block testosterone's effects and may lead to male breast enlargement (gynecomastia).
Some inflammatory diseases like tuberculosis and sarcoidosis as well as autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus can also interfere with testicular function and reduce hormone production, potentially decreasing testicular health and testicular hormone production.
An effective way to determine your testosterone levels is with a simple blood test, taken in the morning when hormone levels are at their peak.
With your results and symptoms in mind, doctors can diagnose hypogonadism and recommend treatments. Common indicators of low testosterone include decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction and changes in mood; some men may also notice changes to their physique such as decreased muscle bulk and strength and an increase in belly fat.
The connection between testosterone and beard growth
Thick beards tend to develop with age, not necessarily due to increased testosterone levels; rather it depends on genetics if one wants a full beard.
Researchers recruited 97 healthy young men for this study. Participants self-reported their age, weight and height; were measured for beard thickness using digital callipers; tested throughout the day until sleep began and decreased overnight; this period ran between 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM with participants asked not to shave or take hormone supplements during this time.
As part of their study, researchers collected skin cells from both beard and scalp areas and tested these for androgen receptors that bind with DHT and testosterone hormones.
Their researchers observed significant amounts of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone within beard cells but none in scalp cells, while androstenedione was present within only beard cells versus none on scalp cells.
Stressful environments can wreak havoc with testosterone production, slowing beard growth considerably.
Naturally boost testosterone for beard growth
Men can increase testosterone naturally through healthy eating habits and rest. Exercise and meditation can help lower stress levels, which in turn decrease testosterone.
A diet rich in lean proteins, iron and zinc-rich foods such as kale, whole grains and seafood may also promote testosterone levels; for best results take a multivitamin that contains these essential elements as well.
Finally, it is also important to drink lots of water and limit sugary beverages such as sodas, soft drinks, fruit juices or other sugary drinks such as juice.
Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), both synthetic steroid hormones, play an essential role in maintaining not only sexual drive and sperm production but also bone density, muscle growth, fat levels and hair and facial hair growth follicle growth; though genes have an immense impact on this outcome.
Thin or patchy beards could indicate low testosterone levels but this may not always be the case.
Diet is one of the best ways to increase testosterone, especially lean meats, fish, nuts and leafy vegetables.
Additionally, limiting caffeine and alcohol, getting plenty of sleep and avoiding processed food are also effective at supporting healthy testosterone levels. Regular workouts (weight training or cardiovascular exercises) may further stimulate testosterone levels.
An effective herb is Ashwagandha which has been found to lower cortisol levels while simultaneously increasing testosterone production - even comparable to synthetic testosterone for androgenic effects such as beard/body hair growth/testicular size increase/better sperm production!
Additionally, vitamin D and magnesium which act as natural testosterone maximizers can be found both through varied food sources as well as supplements like Military Muscle.
How can you increase your testosterone levels and dihydrotestosterone?
You can still boost your T-levels, even if they are low.
You should start with your diet.
It's best to take a balanced diet that contains foods rich in magnesium, zinc, B6, vitamin B6 or omega-3 fatty acids.
These nutrients all have positive effects on testosterone. Try to incorporate the following foods into your daily routine:
- Brazil nuts
- Red Meat
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Olive oil
- Salmon
- Spinach
- Almonds
In addition, the importance of exercise cannot be overstated.
You want to perform exercises with high intensity. It shocks the nervous system, which results in a greater output of DHT and test. These are the key exercises you can do to get maximum results:
- Sprint intervals
- Deadlifts
- Squats
- Kettlebell Snatches
- Presses for cleaning
- Burpees
- Bench presses
You can also boost your T-levels by supplementing. Some plant extracts and nutrients can be especially helpful, such as:
- Fenugreek
- Nettle Leaf Extract
- Tongkat Ali
- Vitamin K
- Ashwagandha
- Zinc
Military Muscle, a natural option that will take the guesswork out of your life is an excellent choice. This product contains all the above ingredients, and more!
Beard care tips for men
First step to growing a full, healthy beard is taking care of the skin beneath. Regular washing with a gentle cleanser designed for facial hair will ensure optimal growth; using one tailored specifically to your skin type is important in avoiding problems like beard dandruff, itching and ingrown hairs.
If you suffer from oily or acne-prone skin, opt for a cleanser with salicylic acid or glycolic acid to deep clean out your pores.
For normal or dry skin types, look for one without comedogenic properties, like fragrance-free. Additionally, sensitive skin should avoid products containing any potential irritants like alcohol.
Make sure that you're getting enough restful sleep in order to maintain healthy skin and beard growth, according to studies conducted on small samples of people.
Studies have demonstrated that not getting sufficient rest may negatively impact testosterone levels as well as slow beard growth.
Be sure to regularly trim your beard with either a beard trimmer or scissors in order to control overgrowth, eliminate unwanted hairs, and prevent over trimming - over-trimming could result in it becoming brittle and unruly.
For optimal results, it's best to do it after showering when damp for maximum penetration of oil into skin pores; use beard oils containing ingredients such as jojoba or coconut that have been proven to ease symptoms of psoriasis as well as reduce itching and inflammation associated with dermatitis for even greater success!
Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), two hormones related to testosterone, play a vital role in beard growth; however, genetics also play an integral part.
Your genes influence how sensitive your hair follicles are to testosterone's chemical signal. Some men's hair follicles may not respond enough for beard growth. A diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals can help your follicles stay healthy.