High Testosterone Levels and Prostate Cancer

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.
You see articles and advertizements all over the internet offering products to boost your testosterone.
It is true that testosterone levels are historically low in men today, but more might not be the best thing for you. It may even be an effective fuel to prostate cancer which is the number one cause of men's death.
We'll examine the link between testosterone and cancer of the prostate, as well as early warning signs. You can also learn what to do in order to maintain healthy testosterone levels and prevent prostate cancer.
- Testosterone
- Testosterone and Prostate Cancer
- What other causes of prostate cancer are there?
- Prostate Cancer: How to reduce your risk
- Prostate Cancer Early Warning Signs
- New Research on Testosterone Treatment for Prostate Cancer
- Conclusion
The male dominant sex-hormone is testosterone. This is one of the growth hormones responsible for promoting anabolic and androgenic features, such as deeper voices, bigger muscles, and organ development.
In the past, it was thought that testosterone, as a growth hormone, would fuel cancerous cells in the prostate, particularly. In the 1940s, a study was conducted to examine the link between testosterone and the risk of prostate cancer.
Researchers found that low testosterone levels and prostate cancer risks were correlated to a slowing or cessation in cancer growth.
The study found, on the other hand that a greater testosterone level and prostate cancer risks were associated with an increased risk of cancer development or worsening a pre-existing condition. Prostate cancer and testosterone are intertwined since years.
In response to this study, doctors started giving patients hormone therapy, reducing testosterone levels significantly to stop the alleged fuel source for prostate cancer. After the prostate cancer had been controlled, doctors gradually increased the testosterone level, while closely monitoring it.
Recent research has called into question the use of hormone therapy as a treatment for prostate carcinoma. We'll discuss this in greater detail below. Some researchers believe that testosterone is being unfairly blamed and demonized for the rise in prostate cancer worldwide. Let's first explore the idea that testosterone increases your prostate cancer risk.
Testosterone and Prostate Cancer
Researchers have a theory as to why testosterone could increase your prostate cancer risk. Not one explanation is universally accepted, although some experts believe that dihydrotestosterone (DHT) may be the culprit. The body uses testosterone for many purposes when it is within the healthy range. One of these is to create DHT.
DHT is formed when testosterone is converted. DHT has a greater influence on androgenic, anabolic and androgenic features than testosterone. This may be great for building muscles, but it's bad news if your family has a history of prostate carcinoma.
DHT is known to promote the growth of the prostate cell. The risk of prostate cancer increases when the prostate cells grow too fast. More testosterone will convert to DHT and increase the risk of prostate cancer.
What other causes of prostate cancer are there?
You should be aware that prostate cancer can also occur as a result of other factors besides testosterone or dihydrotestosterone.
It's passed down: The chances that you will develop prostate cancer are higher if it runs in the family than if it doesn't.
As with most illnesses and conditions, prostate cancer risk increases as we age. Around 65 is the average age of a diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Certain races have a greater risk of prostate cancer. African American men are at the greatest risk for prostate cancer, and have more tumors than white or Hispanic men.
This is a cliché, but true nonetheless: What you eat determines who you are. A diet high in processed carbohydrates and fats will increase the risk of prostate cancer, according to studies.
Study shows that people with sedentary lives are more likely to develop prostate cancer than those who lead an active lifestyle.
People who live in an area with pollution. Toxins that are easily absorbed (e.g. Pesticides are believed to increase the risk of cancer development, particularly prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer: How to reduce your risk
Although the risk of prostate cancer is low in men under 40 years old, you should still take steps to reduce it. You can reduce your prostate cancer risk by following these tips:
Eating better:
According to studies, a diet that is mainly plant-based and low in lean meats such as tuna and chicken can reduce your prostate cancer risk. Reduce or eliminate red meat, dairy and other foods. Eat lots of leafy vegetables and dark greens.
Fish is a good source of protein because the Omega-3 fatty acid in it can improve your health. It also lowers your risk for prostate cancer.
Drink green tea and coffee:
Many studies show that drinking fresh coffee and green tea as part of your everyday diet can have a positive impact on health. Drinking coffee and drinking green tea may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Increase your physical activity daily to lower your prostate cancer risk. Center for Disease Control suggests a weekly minimum of 75 minutes or 150 minutes moderate intensity exercise. Weight training, cycling, jogging and fitness classes can all be included.
Weight management:
You can achieve a healthy weight by improving your diet and exercising. Experts suggest that men with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above have a significantly higher risk for prostate cancer, not to mention several other cardiovascular-related complications. Maintaining a healthy weight is an easy way to avoid prostate cancer complications and support your overall health.
Prostate Cancer Early Warning Signs
Doctors often refer to prostate carcinoma as the silent killer, because it doesn't show any symptoms until after the cancer has spread. It is important to begin a prostate examination at age 35. If your family history includes aggressive prostate cancer, you may want to start at age 30.
When symptoms appear, these usually involve issues with urination, such as an urge to go immediately, difficulty starting or stopping urination, a low urine flow and the presence of blood in urine. It is possible to feel pain as a burning sensation or stinging when you urinate.
Many men with prostate problems also have issues in bed. They are unable to maintain or get an erection. The sensation they feel when ejaculating may be painful, not pleasurable.
These symptoms may indicate that cancer is already developing or has spread. You should schedule an immediate appointment with your physician if you are a man of middle age or older and experience these symptoms.
New Research on Testosterone Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Not all scientists are as convinced as we were above that there is a fire-and-fuel relationship between testosterone and prostate carcinoma. Recent studies found the exact opposite, that testosterone levels do not correlate with prostate cancer. In one study, men with lower testosterone levels were at a greater risk for prostate cancer.
What is the relationship between testosterone and prostate cancer?
Do guys receiving synthetic testosterone have a greater risk of developing prostate cancer or worsening it?
A review of research found that testosterone therapy done responsibly will have no impact on prostate cancer risk.
In one of the most interesting studies conducted in the past year, scientists introduced very high testosterone levels followed by dramatic low levels. Imagine a large wave followed by a small one. This is how scientists treated prostate cancer. What was the result?
The researchers found that the testosterone shock treatment was very effective at making cancerous cells either inactive or dead.
In the past few years, both sides have been able to present their arguments on the impact of testosterone on prostate cancer.
It's clear that further research is needed. However, it's safe to say that men with no history of prostate disease and who live a healthy life that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise should not have to worry too much about their testosterone levels.
We still recommend that you schedule an appointment to speak with your physician about the condition of your prostate.