Does Testosterone Make You Live Longer?

Does Testosterone Make You Live Longer?

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


In the quest for eternal youth, researchers are continually in search of the key to longevity.

One such candidate could be testosterone; traditionally associated with masculinity and vitality but could it also hold the key to living longer?

Recent studies have provided novel insight into the impact of testosterone on longevity, providing valuable information about this hormone's impact on aging and overall health.

Testosterone, produced primarily in the testicles, plays an essential role in regulating various bodily functions including muscle mass, bone density and sexual drive - but its influence goes well beyond these immediate benefits.

Research suggests that testosterone levels could have an influence on overall lifespan, potentially helping individuals live a longer and healthier existence.

Though its exact mechanisms of influence on longevity remain unknown, scientists believe testosterone could play an integral part in mitigating age-related conditions like cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's.

Continue reading to learn more about the relationship between testosterone and longevity. 

Understanding the Role of Testosterone in the Body

Testosterone is responsible for many characteristics associated with masculinity, such as teenage puberty, as well as healthy bone and muscle strength.

But testosterone's influence goes far beyond that. Not only is it essential during fetal development, it is also responsible for many changes that take place during puberty itself and even drives male-specific characteristics like deepening of voice pitch, facial hair growth and penis and testes development.

Let's not forgetting its essential function in adult life by encouraging sexual function while supporting libido production! 

As your testosterone levels drop, you may experience less energy or your muscles seeming weaker than usual.

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What Is The Impact of Testosterone On Your Health?

Testosterone plays a vital role in men's health and longevity. Its importance may be greater than we previously believed. Recent research shows that testosterone levels maybe linked to increased lifespan. 

It is clear that men who have higher levels of testosterone are more likely to avoid disease and illness with age. This is because the hormone testosterone plays a role in many bodily functions. 

Higher-than-average levels of testosterone are also associated with increased mental agility. This means that you will still be able function at an excellent level when you reach your twilight. 

The following are some of the key ways that testosterone can contribute to a healthier life: 

Testosterone can Affect your Sexual Health

Testosterone plays a vital role in the sexual function of men. It is essential for maintaining libido and erectile functions, as well as sperm production. Low testosterone levels can lead to erectile function and reduced libido. 

It can make your relationship problems worse and affect this part of your life. 

Low Testosterone can Affect your Mood

The levels of testosterone can affect mood. Low testosterone is linked to depression and fatigue. Low testosterone can also lead to a lack of confidence and, in the worst cases, cause you to isolate yourself from others. 

Low Testosterone can affect your Appearance

Unbalanced testosterone levels can result in massive changes in your appearance. In the worst cases this can lead to a low self-esteem or negative thoughts towards yourself. 

Low testosterone can lead to weight gain in some people, which can be a significant burden. 

Low testosterone can also cause an increase in estrogen, which may lead to the development of male breasts, a situation that can be embarrassing for men. 

Testosterone Affects Your Cognitive Function

It's not just important for your body, but also to keep you mentally healthy as you age. 

Researchers have found that testosterone levels can boost cognitive function. Your memory and problem solving skills will stay strong as you age. 

Additionally, testosterone is a powerful defense against mental conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. 

Low testosterone levels can help prevent these serious health issues, which can have a negative impact on your life. 

Cardiovascular Health

Testosterone is essential for maintaining a healthy life span, especially when it comes down to cardiovascular health. 

The increased circulation and healthier arteries associated with testosterone have been shown to benefit our hearts, reducing the risk for heart disease and complications related to high blood pressure. 

When testosterone levels are balanced, they help to reduce inflammation that can damage our heart. 

This hormone also raises HDL cholesterol, or "good cholesterol."

Homocysteine is an amino acid which can damage blood vessels when it accumulates in the body. 

When testosterone levels are high, men's cardiovascular health is improved, which is one of the most important areas for a long life. 

Prevents Disease

It is not often appreciated how important testosterone can be in preventing disease. The body's ability to fight off diseases is thought to be strengthened by testosterone. 

The body's immune system is stronger and more resistant to infection when there is more testosterone. 

You'll also be less likely to develop kidney and liver problems, as it helps your metabolism. The preventive action of testosterone can help you live longer. 

Reduced Fast Mass

When trying to lose weight, testosterone is a very important hormone to take into consideration. Increased testosterone levels can help reduce body fat, increase muscle mass and improve overall health. 

A higher testosterone level throughout life is associated with improved bone density and a faster metabolism. 

Testosterone Promotes Muscle Development

Testosterone enhances muscle growth by encouraging the formation of fast-twitch fibres that are ideal for explosive exercise like weightlifting. It also promotes muscle protein synthesis. As a result, testosterone helps build more muscle faster.

Testosterone also facilitates muscle recovery, by reducing inflammation and preventing breakdown in muscles following intense workouts. This enables more frequent and intense training sessions that lead to greater muscle growth.

As we age, we lose strength and muscle mass, this is called scarcopenia.

What's so important about scarcopenia?

Sarcopenia is a common cause of loss of function and independence among older adults.

The cause of this condition is multifactorial: Neurological decline, hormonal changes and activation of the inflammatory pathways, as well as declines in physical activity, chronic illnesses, fatty accumulation, and poor nutritional status, are all contributing factors.

Evidence suggests that muscle mass and strength begin to decline linearly as early as the fourth decade of life. By the eighth decade, up to half of the mass has been lost.

Sarcopenia can have serious consequences for older adults. The strength and function declines that accompany sarcopenia may lead to adverse health outcomes such as loss of functionality, disability and frailty.

Sarcopenia can also be associated with chronic and acute diseases, increased insulin resistance and fatigue, as well as mortality and death.

Sarcopenia is a chronic disease state that has been associated with rheumatologic diseases, particularly rheumatoid arthritis in women.

Testosterone Affects Bone Density

Testosterone is essential for bone health. It increases bone density and reduces the risk of fractures. 

Low testosterone can increase the risk of osteoporosis in men, which is a condition that causes bones to be weak and fragile. 

This can lead to more fractures, which makes it harder to play sports. You are also at a greater risk for injuries during your daily life.

Research Studies on Testosterone and Longevity

The life expectancy of men and women in the West has stagnated.

The well-established evolutionary theory of biology suggests that lifespan is traded off against reproductive success. This may be sex specific.

A 2016 review stated that recent studies have clarified the cardiovascular risks associated with TRT.

They show that TRT associated with a clear increase in serum testosterone to the normal range results in a reduced mortality from all causes. 

Conversely, a report published in 2021 states that in line with the well-established theory of evolutionary biology, testosterone seemed to reduce survival. 

Unexpectedly, many strategies to promote healthy aging, especially in women, reduce testosterone. However, it must be noted that the participants featured in this report were a female majority.

We must remember that testosterone is important in the regulation of male development, reproduction, and health. The decline in testosterone levels over the course of a man's life may be a reflection or cause chronic diseases and mortality. 

This was reported in an article published by the Evolution, Medicine and Public Health journal in 2023 to links lower testosterone levels with a higher rate of mortality.

These results could be due to the decrease in testosterone associated with many diseases.

In this way, it is possible that the relationship between testosterone levels and mortality in men may be indirect.

It would make sense for ill people to have lower testosterone levels and a higher mortality rate.

This is supported by the authors of an article released in 2021 whom believe that the reason for females to have a higher life expectancy is the result of the effects that a much reduced level of testosterone has on the immune system of men.

The Impact of Testosterone on Aging

Testosterone plays a critical role in male secondary sexual characteristics, muscle mass and strength, libido, cognitive functions and mood regulation.               

Epidemiologic evidence has linked low testosterone levels with symptoms associated with aging; testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has become an accepted solution. 

However, older individuals tend to have reduced ability to metabolize testosterone as they become older, leading to exaggerated side effects like erythrocytosis and increased serum cholesterol levels.

There are other ways to increase your life expectancy

You can only go so far with testosterone. If you are a man with a high testosterone level but still live a counteractive and unhealthy lifestyle, your life expectancy will be low. 

To get the most from testosterone, you need to make lifestyle adjustments to extend your lifespan. You can boost your life expectancy by using the following solutions: 

1. Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking can increase your life expectancy. 

Many studies show that quitting smoking will add years to your lifespan, and you can start seeing the benefits almost immediately. 

After quitting smoking, you'll notice that your blood pressure will drop and your circulation will improve. Your risk of developing heart disease will be reduced by half within a year. 

2. Get Regular Exercise

Exercise can improve your mental and physical health, and even extend your life span. 

Many studies have shown regular exercise reduces the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease and stroke. 

Exercise can also improve your mental health, by reducing anxiety and stress levels. When combined with high testosterone levels, this should help you live a healthier lifestyle. 

3. Eat A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can be a great way to improve your health. Healthy diets include fruits, vegetables and whole grains. 

It is important to limit red meat, processed foods and sugary drinks. Also, removing alcohol such as beer and wine can help you lose weight. 

4. Sleep Adequately

Sleep is essential for good health. Sleep is important for our bodies' repair and healing after the activities of the day. Sleep also improves our moods and cognition. Sleep is essential for most adults. 


Recent studies and research have shown that testosterone can play a significant role in your overall health and lifespan.

Although testosterone doesn't guarantee a longer lifespan as other lifestyle choices can also influence it, it is evident that testosterone has a crucial role.  

In this article, it has been established that low levels of testosterone can increase a male's susceptibility to illness.  

Low testosterone can indicate diabetes, kidney disease, liver problems, etc. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should get checked out. 

A low metabolism due to a decrease in testosterone can cause you to gain weight, increase your body fat and put additional strain on your heart. 

In addition, low levels of testosterone may also indicate an increase in your cholesterol levels, which could lead to heart issues and circulation problems, decreasing your life expectancy. 

Military Muscle testosterone booster is natural and highly effective at boosting testosterone levels. They can be a good alternative to synthetic and medical testosterone boosters. 

These supplements, along with a healthy lifestyle, may improve your fitness and health. This can potentially lead to a longer life expectancy.  

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