Do Amphetamines Affect Testosterone Levels?

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.
If you've ever wondered, what amphetamines are or do, this article will answer your questions.
There are numerous reasons why you might be taking them. These include weight gain, recreational use or to stay more alert and focussed.
Why are amphetamines used?
Amphetamines are usually prescribed for mental health problems such as addiction. While they can be an important part of a treatment plan for those suffering from these problems, they are also prone to misuse, addiction, and dependency.
Untreated amphetamine addiction can have long-term health consequences. For this reason, they are best used responsibly and only when necessary. If you think you may be developing an addiction to amphetamines, please talk to your doctor about the proper use and dosage.
What are amphetamines?
Amphetamines are stimulants that boost alertness, moods, and concentration. They may lead to a 'crash' when users stop taking the drug. This craving causes an intense desire for more amphetamines and eventually leads to a dependency. In addition to addiction, amphetamines can also cause various physical health problems, including heart failure and burst blood vessels.
Long-term use of amphetamines can affect a person's judgment, and may lead to accidents, injury, and even death. This drug stays in the body even after the effects wear off. It can be detected in urine or blood four to eight hours after the last use. Methamphetamines are detectable for up to three days after the last time they were taken. If you're interested in learning more about amphetamines and how to avoid them, read on!
Because of their addictive nature, amphetamines can lead to serious physical problems, including addiction. Because amphetamines work by causing a physical reaction, the body may become tolerant to it. If you stop using amphetamines suddenly, you can expect intense withdrawal symptoms. Medical detox helps you to lessen the intensity of these symptoms, and doctors may prescribe medications to reduce them. The first step in recovery is to seek medical attention.
Amphetamines are most commonly abused by young adults and teenagers. They enhance concentration, stay awake, and boost cognitive functioning. They cause a small high caused by excess dopamine in the brain, and the effects can last for about one minute. In many people, the physiological effects last for up to 12 hours. Despite this, many people don't realize the dangers of amphetamines until they have abused them.
There are many benefits of amphetamines. Some are prescribed for medical purposes, while others are used for recreational reasons or to help increase concentration. Most commonly, amphetamines are prescribed to treat ADHD, a condition that involves problems with attention and focus. People with ADHD are often not able to sit still for long periods of time, and may have trouble holding conversations. There are different types of ADHD, including inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, and combination disorders.
As a central nervous system stimulant, amphetamines increase brain activity and produce feelings of increased energy, focus, and confidence. A person taking amphetamines may also experience a "high" or "euphoria." These feelings are often described as 'speed freaks', and they are sometimes used to treat depression, anxiety, and ADD/ADHD. They also cause insomnia.
There are many potential addictions to amphetamines, including those caused by abuse, and the dangers are far more serious for those with mental health issues. Amphetamines are also dangerous because they can cause a 'crash' when you stop taking them, and they can also cause psychological disorders. Furthermore, they can lead to HIV or AIDS if injected and needles are shared, as well as heart failure, a collapsed blood vessel in the brain, or even a coma.
Some amphetamines are sold on the street and are widely abused. People who abuse them often do so for various reasons, including their reputation as "study drugs" or "smart drugs." However, prescription amphetamines have just as much risk of abuse. Many prescription amphetamines can lead to serious physical and psychological dependence and can result in fatalities.
The dangers of amphetamine use include addiction and dependence. People with amphetamine addiction experience intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms, which can lead to depression, suicidal behavior, and even violence. Several other drugs can be used to counter the effects of amphetamine use.
Amphetamines are commonly available in pill or capsule form. They come in white, grey, or pink powders. Each capsule is imprinted with a letter and a number that indicates how many pills are needed for a single dose. The effects of amphetamines depend on the strength of the dose, the dosage, and other individual factors, such as your age, weight, height, and health.
Methamphetamine (also known as meth, crystal, ice, and crystal meth) also comes in different forms. This can be pill, powder to be snorted, smoked with a meth pipe which ruins your teeth and gums or injected which can then lead to transmissible diseases.
Another problem with amphetamines is that users can pursue a never ending high or rush. This binge of continuoulsy taking amphetamines can last for days at a time and the users will not sleep or eat. Obviously this will take a dramatic toll on the body and can lead to other complications.
Amphetamines and testosterone
In humans, amphetamines, including methamphetamine, inhibit testosterone secretion through a mechanism that involves increased cyclic AMP production. It also affects the activity of the testicular hormone receptor, cyclic AMP, and inhibits the action of the enzyme P450c17.
In a study conducted by Mattison et al. (2011), testosterone levels increased in MPH-exposed monkeys after 12 months.
In contrast, the previous study of Mattison et al. (2011) found that testosterone levels decreased after chronic MPH exposure, though their study included many more time points. The discrepancy between the studies is unclear, and further research was needed to determine the full impact of MPH on testosterone levels.
In 2019 a meta-analysis of substance abuse and hypogonadism referenced multiple studies that identified amphetamine use being a cause for decreased testosterone production.
The researchers believe that amphetamines act directly on the leydig cells and can result in a reduction of testosterone secretion.
Further trials also noted that amphetamines altered steroidogenesis, as a result the leydig tumor cells started to produce progesterone as the main steroid hormone instead of testosterone.
A study by Lin J, F., et al also noted reduced testosterone levels amongst rats who were administered methamphetamine compared to the control group.
Amphetamines were initially formulated in a labatory to address certain conditions, however, they are open to abuse which can lead to serious health problems and even death. As such the use of amphetamines must be prescribed and monitored closely.
The studies show that amphetamine use does have an effect on the endocrine system, and can alter the functino of the leydig cells resulting in lower levels of testosterone being produced.