Pomegranate Effect on Testosterone

Pomegranate Effect on Testosterone

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


Do you want to increase your testosterone naturally? 

The pomegranate has incredible benefits! The pomegranate is a healthy food that's packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants. 

Did you also know it has a major impact on testosterone levels? 

The pomegranate has been shown to increase testosterone levels, resulting in increased energy and muscle mass. It also increases libido. 

The high antioxidant levels help reduce enzyme activity that turns testosterone into estrogen. This preserves and boosts testosterone levels. 

It is not just beneficial for men who want to improve their hormones, but it can also help women with hormone imbalances. 

This superfood can have a positive impact on your health, whether you consume it as seeds or juice. If you want to boost your testosterone naturally, try pomegranate. 

Now is the time to unleash this incredible fruit's power and become healthier and more energetic.  

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The Role of Testosterone

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone (although women produce it as well), producing most notably from testicles but also produced in smaller amounts by adrenal glands and ovaries.

Testosterone plays an integral part in male internal and external reproductive organ development prenatally as well as stimulating secondary sexual characteristics during puberty such as deeper voice, facial hair and an increase in penis size - as well as muscle growth and drive in both genders.

Testosterone plays a variety of other key functions throughout adulthood including regulation of sperm production, blood cell formation maintenance/distribution as well as increasing libido in men while stimulating ovulation in women.

Testosterone works through the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis, where testosterone controls how much gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is released.

Meanwhile, the pituitary gland releases luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which influence how much testosterone the gonads produce. If your testosterone levels fluctuate daily from nighttime to daytime production levels may not be ideal and/or are underperforming.

If that is the case then something might be amiss within either your hypothalamus, pituitary gland or gonads isn't functioning as intended.

Butenandt and Hanisch created history when, in 1935, they isolated testosterone from cholesterol and determined its chemical structure: 17b-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one with one available hydroxyl group at its 17th carbon atom.

This discovery allowed for the synthesis of synthetic testosterone, first commercialized as serum in early 1940s - earning both scientists the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

Recent studies revealed a key finding: testosterone's effects are dependent on its conversion in the body into estrogen forms. Researchers identified aromatization as being key in how testosterone affects sexual desire as well as other bodily processes.

While media portray testosterone as the source of all types of aggressive behavior such as road rage and violent confrontations, these findings indicate that such behaviour is much more complex.

By understanding how testosterone functions within the body, these new insights may also shed new light on why some men experience a gradual decrease in sexual hormone production during middle age that has been dubbed male menopause but which differs significantly from that experienced by women at around this same age.

This gradual decline is more likely a consequence of normal aging rather than any inherent issues with how men's bodies produce testosterone.

Claimed benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranate not only boosts testosterone levels but it can also increase blood flow and lower cholesterol.

Its polyphenols increase nitric oxide production for healthier arteries which leads to improved blood flow and lower cholesterol levels.

As an antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress levels it also improves cardiovascular health while simultaneously increasing immunity and decreasing chronic disease risks as well as decreasing inflammation while increasing cellular repair rates.

Pomegranate has long been recognized for its ability to defend against prostate cancer.

Its chemicals prevent cells from adhering together, which allows cancerous ones to spread, while simultaneously decreasing their sensitivity to chemical signals that stimulate cell division - both factors leading to cell growth. As a result, pomegranate has been used in numerous prostate cancer treatments.

Pomegranate has many other benefits for joint health as well.

It contains anti-inflammatory compounds called ellagitannins that can increase flexibility of muscles and joints and therefore lessen pain caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or other conditions.

Furthermore, this superfruit also boasts vitamins and minerals to increase muscle strength and endurance as well as beneficial fiber that promotes digestion and overall gastrointestinal wellbeing.

One study determined that pomegranate peel was more effective than juice at increasing nitric oxide and improving blood flow during intense strength training, possibly due to its higher concentration of phytochemicals.

Different ways to consume pomegranate

One of the easiest and most nutritious ways to enjoy pomegranates is by drinking their juice. 

One way to enjoy all the benefits of pomegranates is to consume them whole. One simple method to do this is by scoring and peeling back its outer skin using a knife; just be wary when doing this task as pomegranates can stain everything they touch; it may be beneficial to wear an apron or gloves to protect yourself. 

Pomegranate juice testosterone study

Pomegranate has always been associated with fertility. It is also believed to increase sexual drive and function. 

Recent studies have demonstrated that polyphenolic antioxidants in pomegranate can reduce stress and cardiovascular risks by decreasing systolic, diastolic, and systolic/diastolic pressures and inhibiting the 11bHSD1 enzyme activity.

This 2012 study found that pomegranate juice consumption significantly increases salivary levels of testosterone (average 24%), and also has positive effects on moods and anxiety.

A study published in 2020 saw that supplementation with pomegranate juice may reduce the acute plasma testosterone reaction, but it did not affect the 48-hour recovery kinetics for homocysteine after weightlifting. 

To determine the function of this observed pomegranate juice's acute effect on plasma testosterone, further studies are required to investigate androgen concentrations in plasma as well as muscle tissue.

This animal study from 2008 showed for the first time that daily intake of pomegranate juice over seven weeks increased epididymal concentration of sperm, sperm mobility, and abnormal sperm rates in male rats.

The spermatogenic cells' density and quality improved because the rats' antioxidant capacities protected them from peroxidative damage.

Lifestyle factors that affect testosterone levels

Testosterone is a vital androgen (male hormone). It helps men build muscle, increase bone density, and promote sexual function - but if levels dip too low it could lead to poor health issues.

Luckily, there are ways you can naturally increase testosterone such as lifestyle factors and supplements that will boost it naturally.

Secondary hypogonadism is one of the primary causes of low testosterone in adults, occurring when something causes the testicles to stop producing testosterone due to age or illness.

Another cause is primary hypogonadism which may have been acquired before birth or acquired later in adulthood.

No matter which cause exists for low testosterone levels in an individual, diet, exercise and stress management can all help increase testosterone levels and thus boost them accordingly.

Your testosterone levels peak early in the morning after your body has had time to recuperate during restful slumber, so getting at least seven to nine hours of uninterrupted restful slumber each night is crucial to maintaining peak levels of this vital hormone.

Being overweight can decrease testosterone levels, so it's essential to eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains as part of a healthy lifestyle in order to stay at an ideal weight and increase testosterone.

Strength training exercises also play a significant role in improving health and increasing testosterone.

High cholesterol and blood sugar can have a direct correlation with low testosterone levels, so it's essential that we monitor these numbers and take the necessary steps to bring them under control if needed.

Drinking too much alcohol is another factor which may reduce testosterone production so it would be wise to limit how often we partake of alcoholic beverages.

Studies published in Andrology revealed that excessive intake of liquorice root or supplementation with it could contribute to lower testosterone levels, according to researchers.

They observed that people who consumed too much liquorice had higher SHBG and lower free testosterone-calculated levels than those who did not consume liquorice.

Certain medications can have an impact on testosterone levels, so you must discuss any prescription or over-the-counter drugs you take with your physician.

Antidepressants, corticosteroids and certain anti-virals have all been known to decrease testosterone production and levels.

Stress and anxiety can also decrease testosterone production by stimulating cortisol release, making your levels lower than desired.

To effectively manage stress levels, try practising mindfulness, getting plenty of restful sleep and regular physical activity - as well as avoiding chemicals known to disturb hormonal systems or products with such ingredients.


Testosterone is an essential hormone in our bodies that controls facial hair, deep voice, muscle growth and sexual drive.

Low levels can have serious repercussions for both men and women's health; studies have demonstrated how pomegranate can improve testosterone production as well as decrease symptoms associated with low testosterone.

This powerful fruit contains antioxidants and other essential nutrients that support all areas of the body. Pomegranates are an excellent source of Vitamin C which has numerous benefits.

Pomegranates is known for containing punicalagin, an effective antioxidant with more value than green tea and red wine. Studies have discovered this phytochemical to improve arterial blood flow, supporting healthy hormones while decreasing oxidative stress levels in the body.

Studies conducted on rats have demonstrated how extract of this fruit significantly lowers testicular oxidative stress, improves sperm quality and increases salivary testosterone levels.

When applied to humans, one research paper published in Phytotherapy Research discovered that men who regularly consumed pomegranate juice saw their salivary testosterone levels rise.

While this study's results are encouraging, more research needs to be conducted on how pomegranate affects testosterone. 

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