Does Magnesium Increase Testosterone in Females?

Does Magnesium Increase Testosterone in Females?

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


While testosterone has typically been seen as something only associated with men in terms of hormonal health, women also rely heavily on this essential hormone for various reasons such as maintaining muscle mass, improving bone health and supporting overall wellness.

Magnesium may provide one such natural boost to improve and promote a positive balance of testosteroe in females.

Because magnesium plays an essential part in both producing and regulating female testosterone production and regulation.

This article will delve deep into the science surrounding magnesium's impact on testosterone production as well as potential impacts to women's health.

You'll explore different sources of magnesium (food and supplements alike) and learn how to incorporate them into your daily regimen.

Additionally, we will cover the specific benefits of optimal testosterone levels for women such as increased energy, improved mood and even an increase in sexual desire.

No matter if you are experiencing hormonal imbalance, optimizing fitness, or simply curious about magnesium's role in health - this article offers practical solutions that can unlock its power for increasing testosterone in women.

Can Magnesium Increase Testosterone in Females?

Magnesium is an essential mineral to our bodies, helping synthesize proteins, optimize muscle and nerve function, regulate blood sugar levels, as well as metabolize estrogen. Some research even sugggests it can help prevent bowl cancer.

Studies indicate it may aid in improving sexual health and fertility for both men and women; its effectiveness may be enhanced when combined with nutrients like zinc, vitamin D and L-arginine which promote healthy circulation of the blood flow.

Magnesium may help increase testosterone levels by blocking its binding with sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), thus freeing more testosterone to circulate freely throughout the body and increase testosterone production.

Furthermore, magnesium may also improve insulin resistance which often occurs among those suffering from PCOS.

Magnesium also plays a beneficial role in sleep regulation. Studies show that magnesium can help people fall asleep more easily and remain asleep longer, and reduce symptoms associated with magnesium deficiency such as restless leg syndrome.

One study discovered that giving women with PCOS melatonin combined with magnesium significantly reduced insulin resistance and improved serum testosterone levels compared with a placebo group, as well as helping them fall asleep faster and have fewer interruptions during sleep time.

Research suggests magnesium can be helpful for sexual health, yet it should not be seen as a silver bullet. Other factors, including stress and relationship difficulties, can have an adverse impact on sexual life as well.

Therefore it would be prudent to speak to a healthcare provider regarding any underlying issues that need addressing before making changes to your routine or regiment.

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The importance of testosterone in women

Testosterone may be associated with male sexual drive, but it also plays an essential part in hormone regulation for biological women.

Testosterone converts into estrogen which plays an integral part in supporting bone density, breast health and libido.

Although low testosterone levels aren't an issue for men, excessive levels can be harmful for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which affects approximately 27 percent of reproductive-aged women and can result in irregular periods, infertility and excess hair growth.

Studies have demonstrated that serum magnesium levels are negatively correlated with markers of insulin resistance and positively associated with testosterone in women with PCOS.

An 8-week supplementation trial demonstrated its positive effects on serum dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), follicle stimulating hormone (17OH progesterone and SHBG levels in these patients.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient, involved in over 300 metabolic reactions in our bodies and found in foods such as almonds, cashews, seeds, brown rice, avocado and leafy green vegetables.

An increased magnesium intake may reduce stress effects and boost testosterone levels within your body.

Common causes of low testosterone in women

Testosterone is an essential hormone, impacting our mood, sexual desire and overall well-being.

While many women associate hot flashes and fatigue with menopause, low testosterone levels may also cause similar symptoms in midlife.

Test levels naturally decline with age, but various health issues can also contribute to low testosterone levels such as adrenal insufficiency, stress, chronic illness and medications that reduce levels of this hormone.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for our bodies, and numerous studies have demonstrated its ability to boost testosterone levels.

Men who took magnesium supplements experienced an increase in free testosterone and IGF-1 levels after taking magnesium supplements - though be wary as too much magnesium can have adverse side effects on the body. 

Magnesium and its role in hormone regulation

Magnesium is an indispensable mineral in our bodies and plays many functions.

From activating enzymes to helping produce energy and supporting bone and teeth health, magnesium plays a pivotal role in hormone regulation - especially important for women because low magnesium levels may have detrimental effects on ovaries.

Testosterone levels may be increased through supplementing with magnesium supplements, according to research published in "Alternative Medicine Review".

Researchers divided a group of men into three groups - one took magnesium supplements while engaging in vigorous exercise while a second did neither; those taking magnesium saw both free and bound testosterone increase over time.

Magnesium can help restore normal testosterone levels in men by blocking SHBG, a glycoprotein that reduces active testosterone.

Magnesium also boosts production of DHEA and human growth hormone during sleep and supports healthy ovulation by raising progesterone levels - all key elements for optimal fertility health.

To optimize results it's essential that adequate amounts of vitamin D, zinc and magnesium are included in one's diet.

Magnesium and testosterone levels in women

Not only magnesium but there are other key contributors to testosterone levels that influence testosterone production.

Vitamin D helps produce hormones that affect body composition such as testosterone and can be increased through eating salmon or flax seeds with healthy fats and getting at least 15 minutes of sun daily.

Magnesium deficiency has also been linked to lower testosterone levels; one recent study conducted at Selcuk University involved thirty participants, ten sedentary individuals while 20 others practiced Taekwondo five times weekly for 90-120 minute sessions each time.

Results revealed that magnesium supplementation significantly increased both total and free testosterone, as well as DHEA and LH levels in women with PCOS.

Researchers also discovered higher free testosterone levels were linked with lower glucose metabolism markers and improved insulin resistance markers - suggesting serum magnesium concentrations can provide useful insights into glucose metabolism and testosterone levels for hyperandrogenism patients.

Foods rich in magnesium for boosting testosterone

Increased magnesium consumption can help improve hormone balance, boost testosterone and support libido.

Food sources include whole grains, legumes and dark green vegetables; you may also consider taking magnesium supplements such as bisglycinate, glycinate or diglycinate as well as chelate forms of magnesium such as chloride malate or citrate to ensure you receive an appropriate dosage regimen.

It's advisable to seek guidance from health care providers regarding which form or forms may work best for you.

One study revealed that serum magnesium levels were linked with glucose metabolism markers and lower insulin resistance index scores among women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Maintaining adequate levels of magnesium helps support hormone regulation - including testosterone production.

Zinc is another essential mineral for supporting testosterone, and deficiencies of this mineral have been shown to hinder its production, leading to lower testosterone levels overall.

Studies have demonstrated that supplementing with zinc can increase testosterone levels when coupled with physical exercise.

High Magnesium Foods

Adults should consume 400-420 mg of magnesium daily. Foods high in magnesium include leafy greens, nuts, seeds and beans as well as whole grains such as quinoa, amaranth barley oat bran wheat germ that contain high concentrations.

If your magnesium levels are deficient consider increasing intake through foods like these such as registered dietitian nutritionist Isabel Maples suggests.

Older adults are particularly at risk due to chronic diseases and medications used to reduce stomach acid (bisphosphonates such as alendronate risedronate and ibandronate or water pills).

Leafy greens provide an easy and delicious way to incorporate magnesium into your daily meals, from spinach and kale to collards, turnip greens, mustard greens, etc. A 1-cup serving of cooked spinach contains approximately 157 mg of magnesium.

Nuts are a delicious source of magnesium, with Brazil nuts topping the list at 350 mg of magnesium per 100 g serving.

Enjoy them straight out of the package or incorporate them into recipes such as salads, granola and baked goods for optimal nutrition.

Other great nut choices are almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts as great sources. Additionally, maples recommends including them when creating oatmeal and yogurt parfait parfaits!

Edamame is an easy and delicious magnesium-rich snack packed with protein that also delivers 59.5 mg per cup - or nearly one quarter of your recommended Daily Intake (RDI), according to Maples.

Other foods rich in magnesium include soybeans and legumes like black beans, chickpeas, lentils and garbanzos.

In addition, these foods also boast fiber, calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorus content as well as other healthful benefits.

Magnesium supplements for testosterone

Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in over 300 chemical reactions in the body, from protein synthesis and bone health maintenance to nerve function regulation and blood sugar regulation.

Magnesium has become widely recognized as an anti-stress agent nutrient due to its association with improved sleep quality and stress reduction; moreover, research indicates it may support testosterone levels among men.

Researchers discovered in one study that magnesium supplementation combined with resistance training raised both serum and free testosterone levels among men, while bound testosterone concentrations were much greater among those who had higher magnesium intakes.

Assimilate more magnesium by eating foods rich in magnesium such as avocados, figs, dark chocolate, nuts and leafy greens; or take supplements like magnesium citrate.

Before making any decisions or changes on your own, always consult a healthcare provider; this is particularly important if taking other medications that could interfere with its absorption; they will suggest the best ways to optimize testosterone production.

Factors that affect magnesium levels and testosterone

Magnesium is an integral component of over 300 metabolic reactions in the body.

Its main functions include supporting muscle health and strength, improving sleep quality, managing blood sugar levels and increasing testosterone levels - particularly important for people engaging in regular physical activity or ageing as magnesium depletion has been linked with reduced testosterone.

Research has linked low magnesium levels with decreased testosterone; magnesium supplements may restore normal hormone levels to boost testosterone in women.

One study divided participants into groups receiving magnesium or placebo and found that those receiving magnesium experienced significantly higher testosterone levels at rest and during exercise than the placebo group, along with lower insulin levels and less abdominal fat than their placebo counterparts.

Zinc deficiency can also have a dramatic impact on testosterone production and levels, often depleted among athletes or those engaging in intense physical activities.

As zinc can also be lost through sweat, it's essential that its levels be replenished through diet - with meat, dairy products, seafood and nuts providing ample zinc-rich sources.

What Causes a Magnesium Deficiency?

Low magnesium levels may manifest themselves through nonspecific symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite or nausea; yet many individuals show no such signs at all, making diagnosis even harder.

A medical practitioner will typically review a patient's history, conduct physical exam and order blood test; the latter provides some measure of magnesium status while still not giving the full picture as most of your body stores it in its bones and soft tissues.

People who consume too much calcium compared to magnesium or use medications that block magnesium absorption are at risk of hypomagnesemia.

Other conditions that could contribute to deficient magnesium levels include diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhea and alcohol abuse.

Magnesium is essential to proper nerve and muscle functioning; any deficiency could result in muscle spasms or numbness in your feet or hands. Furthermore, magnesium also assists the body's absorption and utilization of calcium.

Treating magnesium deficiency requires finding and treating its source; once that issue has been remedied, your magnesium levels should return to normal.

Magnesium deficiency is relatively uncommon and can usually be treated through diet, supplements and medication.

A medical professional typically recommends magnesium citrate or gluconate tablets or injections as a treatment option if your digestive tract struggles to absorb magnesium through intestinal absorption, or another condition inhibits absorption.

Natural ways to support testosterone levels in women

There are various natural ways for women to support testosterone levels naturally, including diet and supplement changes as well as reduced stress levels.

Eating well, sleeping enough quality hours per night and regularly exercising are all ways of raising hormone levels and improving health.

Magnesium is one of the best natural ways to increase testosterone, as this mineral prevents proteins that bind with testosterone from binding - increasing usable testosterone in your body and stimulating Leydig cells to produce more male hormones.

You can increase testosterone by eating foods high in magnesium such as spinach, pumpkin seeds and almonds or supplementing with magnesium glycinate, diglycinate or chelate supplements.

Vitamin D and zinc both play an integral part in increasing testosterone levels, with Vitamin D being essential to proper functioning of the immune system and testosterone regulation, while zinc helps control sperm production and testosterone production.

Both can be obtained through diet by eating dairy, eggs, fish, nuts or fortified cereals rich in these elements.

In addition, you may take vitamin D supplements as directed by health care professionals.


Magnesium is essential to over 300 biochemical reactions within the body, from nerve and muscle function maintenance, keeping heartbeat steady, bone strength development and glucose regulation to aiding energy and protein production.

Magnesium can benefit people of all ages but especially so those leading sedentary lifestyles or eating diets high in calcium or protein content. 

Magnesium and zinc both support testosterone production; any deficiencies could contribute to reduced levels of this vital steroid hormone.

Diets consisting of foods like spinach, avocados, bananas and nuts can provide your body with the magnesium it requires for proper functioning.

For guidance regarding dosage recommendations or supplement options such as magnesium bisglycinate or diglycinate.

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